Secondary 9/10

A Message From the Secondary 9/10 Team
The Secondary 9/10 students have made an outstanding effort in completing Term 4 with such vigour. They have been engrossed in their studies within the class and have been able to represent Concord School within the community as restrictions began to ease.
The PreCAL classes engaged back with three community experience days this term, all received with huge positivity. Celebration days with the remaining cohort allowed classes to head to different venues to celebrate the end of year with their peers.
The Secondary 9/10 staff wish you all an amazing break as we farewell a crazy 2020 and welcome what we all hope, will be a safe and settled 2021.
Secondary 9/10A have had a great term back in the classroom. We have enjoyed working as a team after a long year of remote and flexible learning. We have loved our Integrated topic on States of Matter and have conducted several exciting experiments.
Secondary 9/10B have had an exciting and busy Term 4! We have been starting to organise and count all the bread tags collected by the 9/10 Section to donate to a charity named ‘Bread tags for Wheelchairs’.
Our class has loved writing resumes and learning about different jobs we may have in the future.
A highlight of our time back at school was footy day where we were able to dress in our favourite AFL team colours and play some football with 9/10A.
To celebrate the end of an amazing year we are going bowling and cannot wait to show off our skills.
What a year 2020 has been! 9/10C has done a fantastic job navigating their way through onsite and remote and flexible learning. All students made a smooth transition back to onsite learning for Term 4. They all showed a high level of resilience in being able to overcome many challenges they faced this year and returned to school with great enthusiasm.
In Term 4 students enjoyed the Integrated Unit, ‘States of Matter’, they experimented with many different things and explained how a state changed from a solid, liquid or gas.
One of their favourite experiments was making ice cream in a bag, they mixed milk, cream, sugar and vanilla essence in a bag and added ice and salt to another bag, they shook the bag for 7-10 minutes and the final result was delicious ice cream.
Students had a great time on their celebration day where they voted to go tenpin bowling and to Greensborough Plaza for some lunch at the food court.
I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas, many thanks to all students and families for their perseverance during this very strange year.
Bring on 2021!
This term, 9/10D said goodbye to Matt and worked with a new teacher, Shannon.
Everyone should feel very proud of how well they’ve adjusted and how hard they’ve worked. We’ve been working on a class project – raising a seedling. We started by planting herbs… but learnt a harsh lesson after they wilted over the Melbourne Cup long weekend! Instead of giving up, we planted sunflower seeds in their place which have all matured into strong seedlings. We water them every day and now Shannon or Belinda takes them home every weekend to ensure their survival!
We’ve enjoyed units on scripts, comics and states of matter and can’t wait for our Celebration Day at Inflatable World!
Secondary 9/10 E soaking up some sunshine! In 9/10 E we have had a great Term 4! We have been very busy! Some of our achievement have been planning, composing and performing our own scripts, designing, creating and building in STEAM and making PowerPoint presentations about our observations and evaluations of our experiments about States of Matter.
Term 4 has been exciting for 9/10F as we were able to return back to onsite learning after learning remotely. We missed spending time learning and collaborating together!
Some of the highlights this term was visiting the Discovery Centre to borrow books from the library or exploring the MILE room which was transformed to support our learning during the Integrated Unit ‘States of Matter’.
We waited all year with excitement and anticipation and finally it arrived! Our ticket to board The Polar Express! We enjoyed reading and sharing books, dressing up in the magical environment of the North Pole. 9/10F should be proud of all of their achievements and being there for each other providing ongoing support this term and throughout the year. Thank you 9/10F for creating many fond memories of 2020!
It has been an amazing term learning about States of Matter looking at solid , liquid and gas experiments. Students really enjoyed inflating their balloon with vinegar and bi carb soda in a bottle.
Secondary 9/10 G celebrated our end of year excursion at Oz Tenpin Bowling followed by a delicious fish and chip lunch. It was a wonderful way to end the year on such a high.
It definitely has been a year like no other for Secondary 9/10H but what a good year we still had together! We started our year off with lots of excitement and learning all about being safe in the Community. We had lots of fun on our first experience day to Binnak Park lots of friendships and new friendships developed with 9/10I.
Remote learning forced us to stay home and meet up online with lots of Webex meetings. We continued to have lots of fun, with Science and crazy dress up days. At least we got to enjoy the final end of our year back at school and in a brand new classroom too. It has been an amazing term with lots to keep us busy with in our writing and reading and maths.
Finally, the return of experience days meant our program had fully returned. It has been a year of new experiences and lots of laughter. Cathy, Simone and I wish everyone all the best for the holidays and a safe return for 2021. Thanks Jodi
Jane Black
Team Leader
and the Secondary 9/10 Team