Governing Council

Hello PVPS Families
Governing Council met on Tuesday 23rd May to discuss a range of items such as Canteen, OSHC, school policies and financial matters. Being the first full meeting since the new Council was formed there was a lot on the agenda to cover with everyone getting involved in the discussions and trying to identify solutions to challenges identified. It was a good start and I look forward to future meetings and the direction we can help the school head in.
Should you be interested in learning more about the role of a Governing Council, you can find detailed information on the Department's website
I would like to thank everyone who attended the working bee on Saturday 3rd June. Lots of work was done and I think a good time was had by all. The work that was done certainly has made a difference to the spaces, giving our students a better outdoor learning space and hopefully the Canteen some home grown produce to use in the not too distant future.
All the best
Leanne Rehill