Future Focused Learning 

It has been a busy start to Term 2 for Inquiry at Mackellar. Here is a snapshot of the exciting things that have been occurring in some of the grades across the school.


Grade Preps - Emotions 

During Inquiry the Grade Preps have been learning about the different emotions. They have explored what each emotion looks like by using their facial expressions and bodies. The students wanted to know what they could do if they saw someone that was sad. So we have been looking at multiple strategies that could help with these emotions. 


Grade 2 - Physical and Chemical science 

The grade 2 students investigated physical and chemical science and conducted a variety of experiments to build their understanding of the concepts of push and pull, air resistance, gravity, friction, light and sound. Students made connections to their literacy learning by reading and writing explanation texts related to physical and chemical science, e.g. How a parachute works. They will end their unit of work with an engaging and hands on incursion where they will work in teams to apply their chemical science knowledge to create a product.


Grade 3 - History 

During Term 3 the students in Grade 3 have been learning about Australia’s history and how it has impacted their lives. We have looked at the original inhabitants of Australia and the arrival of The First Fleet. 

They have discussed the various reasons why people have migrated here and what traditions and celebrations have continued here. They have researched the different celebrations and commemorations held in Australia and the reasons for them. Students have made comparisons of various items and recorded what has stayed the same or changed.



Grade 4 – Geography

During our Term 3 Inquiry, students in Grade 4 have been learning about Geography. During Lesson Zero at the beginning of the term, students were introduced to the global concept of Harmony and how our essential question of ‘How do we share in the greatness of us?’ After rewriting the standard, students developed our overarching learning intention:

We are learning to find out and describe the common features of Australia’s neighbouring continents and their environments from macro (e.g. Asia, Africa and South America) to micro (countries and cities).

Students are able to describe the difference between a continent and a country, compare and contrast the features of different places and environments and collaborate with others to design and create a product to share our learning. The Grade 4s will be sharing their learning with their class in Weeks 9 and 10.



Grade 6 - Civics and Citizenship 

This term, Grade 6 students have been studying Australian Democracy,  Australian values, Parliament, the Three Levels of Government and their responsibilities, how laws are made and how people can have a voice in Australian Society.


Students have also taken part in the Young Leader’s Program to learn about  the five pillars of Leadership :- Presentation Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Organisation, Responsibility and Team Work. As part of the Young Leaders Program, students undertook a home assignment where they chose personal chores and family chores to do. They were asked to write a reflection on this assignment, once it was complete and their parents were asked to provide feedback to tell us how well they had performed their duties. The feedback was excellent and the activities the students undertook really made a difference to their own skill sets and to the wellbeing and smooth running of their home. 


In Civics and Citizenship, students enjoyed a virtual tour of Parliament House Victoria and are soon to participate in a whole day incursion called “In Our Community” where they will be invited to collaborate on a group project to learn the skills they need to advocate and  make improvements to their school and local community. Students have played games including Levels of Government and How Laws are Made on the Federal Parliament’s Education site. They are now writing Explanation texts in English to detail how a bill becomes a law.  Finally students will be demonstrating all that they have learned with an end of term assignment to produce a song, a video, an oral presentation or a piece of writing to explain an aspect of our study of Democracy that particularly resonated with them.



Brenda Elliott

Future Focused Learning