What's Happening In Our Classrooms



We have been learning about the structure and features of fictional and factual narratives. 

Students have been analysing characters in narratives and using the 7 perspectives (size, shape, position, number, texture, colour and doing) to describe the characters. They have used these descriptive words to visualise what the character looks like.  Students have also used information in texts to develop timelines of events, sequenced in chronological order. They have experimented creatively with presenting visual timelines also.


Students have been planning, drafting, editing and publishing fictional recounts in the form of picture story books. We are excited to finalise and share these with each other once they are completed.  Students have been learning about significant people in Australian history and writing factual narratives using this information they have learned.




We have been learning about place value, with a focus on decimals, addition and subtraction. Students have been modelling, comparing and ordering decimals using Deci-mats to visually represent the decimals. They have been learning about the different addition strategies that can be used for mental computation.  They have also been collecting data through developing and conducting surveys and representing this information by creating different types of graphs. 


Inquiry/Future Focused Learning

We are learning to explore and compare the contributions that significant individuals and groups have had in the development of Australian society. We began our journey on an excursion to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. The students were able to discover migration stories from people who settled in Australia, their reasons for migration and their contributions to society. The students had a fabulous day exploring the town and the many experiences they took part in.  They have continued to develop their understandings through using these experiences to think about what has continued to change and develop in Australian society.