School Council 

School Council for 2023


Dear Fellow Parents, 


Each year, every Victorian government school produces an annual report based on the previous school year. This report is ratified by school council, and once endorsed by the Department is uploaded onto the school's website for our community to access.  To do so, please click this link which will take you to the 2022 Annual Report for Mackellar Primary School. 


A very big thank you to the 79 parents who completed the homework survey put out by the Education sub-committee of school council.  These responses will help the staff and council establish an updated policy and subsequent provision of homework across the school.  Of course, as you can imagine, the responses were many and varied, and whichever way school council opts to go, it stands to reason that some parents will be satisfied whilst others may not be. In making the decision however, both school council and the staff will have these key principles in mind:

  1. Homework should never include new learning for students, rather it will reinforce learning already undertaken in the classroom. 
  2. Homework is a chance to practise and celebrate the work covered at school with parents and family members.
  3. Homework should be age appropriate and provide for student voice and agency in their learning. 

Once complete, we will be sure to promote the new policy widely from a school council perspective, whilst the teachers will do the same from a teaching and learning perspective. 




Vince Scarfo

School Council President