Principal's Report 

Dear Parents, 


Next week your child will receive their semester one report, and this year's report looks a little different. You may recall in term one we sought parent assistance through Kylie Kennedy when we started this redesign process. Since then staff and school council have worked on the key elements and design of the report to make it as informative as possible, whilst also being user friendly.  As a result, we have several different sections which I will unpack for you now. 


The front cover is the same with your child's name, date and photo. Page two includes a curriculum overview for your child's year level covering English, Mathematics and the inquiry units they have have undertaken over the semester. These overviews are the same for each student in the cohort, as each will have experienced the same topics in these areas. 

Below the overview is a general comment specific to your child detailing the ways in which they learn, successes they have had or challenges they have faced.  These are quite individual and written by your child's classroom teacher. Below this again, your child's work habits, school values and attendance rates are displayed for you. 

The following three pages breakdown your child's learning in English, Mathematics and inquiry Units (covering Health, Humanities and/or Science) into greater detail highlighting the skills your child has been taught, and their achievement against these skills and in the subject area overall. 

The pages following these contain the curriculum overview, achievement score, skills and work habits each of the specialist subjects, noting that Italian and Visual Art are both taught in semester two. 

Lastly, if your child has taken part in a particular program at the school such as Levelled Literacy Intervention or the Victorian High Ability Program, the final pages will detail your child's progress in these.  If your child has not taken part in one of these programs, this page will not appear. 


These reports will be available on the last day of term two, as will the opportunity to book in for a parent-teacher interview. Based on suggestions from parents on school council, the length of this year's parent-teacher interviews will increase from 10 to 15 minutes.  As has been the case over the part few years, the specialist teachers will all be available in The Hive so you can meet with them before or after your child's classroom teacher interview.  Parents whose children have taken part in additional programs can meet with these teachers in Room 10. Bookings are not required for these teachers. 


A very big thank you to the parents, school council and staff for their input into this new student report format.  If you have feedback regarding the new format we would be most grateful to hear it. As this is the last newsletter before the holidays, on behalf of the staff, thank you to everyone for your continued and broader involvement in our school. Together we all make fantastic partners in your children's learning. 


Kind Regards, 


Simon McGlade
