Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

Students of the Week

Monday May 22nd & May 29th

William04ABeing a respectful student who uses his manner to shows his gratitude. He is very kind to his peers and always considers the feelings of others. Well Done, William!   
Lazar06Ademonstrating respect for peers, teachers and his own learning by showing consideration and good manners at all times. This student has followed the values in all settings and is also  to be congratulated for his excellent work in reading. Well done, Lazar.  
Ethan06Cis respectful in his interactions with peers and adults at Mackellar Primary School.   
Righteous04BDisplaying the value of Respect in our classroom at all times. Righteous always uses his manners and greet his peers and Mrs Mayne with a smile each morning.   
Dylan03AAlways using his manners and acting with honesty while respecting his peers. Well done Dylan!   
Ela03BDemonstrating the value of respect by playing fairly and safely during our Grade 3 sport sessions. Ela is always ready to help others. Great job Ela!  
Myra00Balways using her manners in the classroom. Keep up the amazing work Myra!   
Inaya01Aalways showing respect to her classmates and teachers. She is a positive role model for her peers and acts with care and kindness each day. Well done Inaya.  
Antonella00Abeing respectful during class discussions, always putting up her hand to speak and listening while others are sharing. Well done Antonella!  
Kyan06Bconsistently demonstrating the value of respect when interacting with his peers and teacher. Congratulations Kyan!  
Amaira02BAlways modelling whole body listening and valuing your peers' contributions to discussions. You exhibit excellent manners and are so kind and caring towards others. Well done Amaira!  
Muhammad05AFor always displaying a respectful attitude towards your peers and teachers. You are a great role model for others. Well done Muhammad!  
Estelle02AFor demonstrating whole body listening, remaining focussed and contributing to whole class discussions. Congratulations Estelle for being such a respectful class member!   
Cooper05BYou consistently show respect for both your peers and your teachers. Your disposition and manners are always impressive. You're a kind and considerate student, with a friendly, positive and kind attitude. You are sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others and allow them to express their feelings.Congratulations Cooper! 
Faraj01Bdemonstrating that respect is an important part of making and keeping friends.      

Monday May 22nd and May 29th