School-wide Positive Behaviour 

Tanya Lindsay-Clark - Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader

Mackellar’s rope playground is becoming increasingly popular as students discover unique adventures they can experience on the 3 dimensional equipment.  Whilst our more static play equipment provides much enjoyment, ropes and nets allow children to explore freely as they navigate their way in various directions at different heights.  They tackle challenges and problem-solve, and have a lot of fun at the same time! 


Ropes play equipment develops gross motor skills as children use their larger muscle groups to gain postural control when they climb, slide and coordinate themselves across and through various nets.  Fine motor skills are also strengthened as children use their hands and fingers to grip ropes. Wrists develop in strength and flexibility, and hand-eye coordination is required. Our students have noted that mindfulness assists them to focus simultaneously on their movements and maintain their awareness of others around them.


Here are some of our Foundation students exploring the ropes playground during their values lesson after assembly on Monday. Congratulations to our Preps for demonstrating our school values of Learning, Respect, Resilience and Teamwork, and for their amazing skills on the ropes playground!


Lunchtime Clubs


Our clubs provide opportunites for students with shared interests to connect with friends as well as children from other grades and year levels.  Clubs start at the beginning of lunchtime and finish at 2.05pm.  This means that students still have a chance to enjoy unstructured time outdoors.  

Here is our most recent timetable that is promoted in all classrooms.