UpcomingImportant Dates and Information

Term 2 June 2023
Thursday 8th June
Year 8 Treasury and Melbourne Museum Excursion
Year 8 Excursion to Melbourne City. 8.50 am - Coach picks up from DCC. Pick up by coach to Royal Treasury Building. The cohort split into two groups.
Monday 12th June
Public Holiday - School closed
Tuesday 13th June
Year 2 Werribee Mansion Excursion
Year 2 student wiil visit Werribee Mansion to participate in the Stepping Back in Time Tour.
Monday 19th June
Prep Culture Infusion Caring for the Country Incursion
During Term 2 the Prep students are inquiring into how we show our connection to places through our actions and values. We are exploring places that are important to us and the responsibilities we hold within these places. Cultural Infusion - Caring for Country will teach the students about Indigenous sustainability practices. Creating the knowledge that through respecting and understanding our environment, we can conserve our earth and respect our wildlife
Friday 23rd June
Last day of term 2.
The last day of school for Term 2 is Friday, 23rd June .Students will finish school on this day at 1.00pm.
Term 3 July 2023
Monday 10th July
First day of Term 3
The first day of Term 3 is Monday 10th July. School will commence at 8.40am