A message from Tami -Jo

We are halfway though Term 2. The weather is getting colder and wetter. Please make sure the students are dressed appropriately for the day as spending time outside is very important for their social and physical development. They still love going out to play regardless of the cold. Naming all articles of clothing is imperative if we are to get it back to the students if it arrives in the lost property box.
Curriculum Day
Our staff participated in Day 3 of the Berry Street Education Model focussing on Stamina and Engagement. It was an opportunity for all of us to work together and talk about cohorts of children and individuals and how to best cater for their needs. There was rich discussion and creative solutions brainstormed. It was an enriching day.
As mentioned previously, traffic continues to be an issue. We have had five children hit by cars this year. Thankfully their injuries have not been serious although one was taken to hospital and his scooter is unrepairable. This could have been very serious.
We cannot emphasise enough for all families to make a concerted effort to follow the traffic rules as this will make a difference. If cars are not double parked or doing u-turns and not rushing, the students have a better chance of navigating the traffic and parents to see the children walking in between cars.
Using the crossings when crossing the roads is difficult to enforce with children when we have parents who don’t use them properly. It is not any one person’s responsibility but a community responsibility to be safe, which means everyone has to have work together.
We are working with Vic roads to try and find some solutions, but the onus is on us to ensure we are doing the right thing first.
Teachers are currently assessing the students in order to complete reports by the end of the term. The report is one way to chart your child’s progress. Other ways include the Parent/Teacher interviews in term 3 and the Celebrations of Learning afternoons at the end of each term. It is a wonderful opportunity at each of these times to talk to your child about their progress; to celebrate what they have done well and to make goals for the following term to work on and monitor together.
During our assemblies this term, we have been discussing how to set goals and steps to achieve them. Students acknowledge that this is one way they can take some responsibility for their learning. They have been identifying and practicing those dispositions that they think are important when trying to achieve a goal. These have included persistence, patience, taking accountability, respecting each other and many others. Ask your child about their goals and how they are going about achieving them. Celebrating their achievements when they have a mastered the goal encourages them as well.
Academic results are important but please remember that all children are more than just that; they are musicians, artists, athletes and friends just to name a few roles and all of these areas need to be recognised as learning. There will be an opportunity in week 2 of Term 3 to discuss your child’s report with the teacher in parent/ teacher interviews. More information about how to book those interviews will follow later in the term.
Visit from the Area Executive Director, SEILs and Network Chairs
On Monday 22nd of May, Silvana Sena, the South West Region Area Director, with the Senior Education Improvement Leaders who manage principals, met with myself and the other Network Chairs in Western Melbourne to discuss what our needs are as a school and an area. My role is to represent not only our school but all the schools in Wyndham. My co-chair and I advocated very heavily for more equity in this area considering the number of students we have and our unique needs in Wyndham. We discussed at length about how to engage more teachers in the profession and in the Wyndham are in particular.
The group toured our school and were impressed by the physical surroundings here at DCC but more so by our children who were engaged and learning regardless of whether they were with their own class teacher, a split class teacher or a specialist. I was very proud.
Staffing schools is an issue across all of Wyndham. The Department of Education has recognised this and is working with schools to address some of the shortages. At DCC, we have been recruiting for 2023 for 12 months now and continue to do so as teachers move schools, go on family leave and head overseas. There is also a CRT shortage; this affects how we manage the organisation of classes when teachers are absent. We know that splitting classes is not ideal however all teachers, those who are doing the splits and those including the students in their classes, are working to ensure the students feel included by checking in with them, helping them to change readers, follow their classroom routines and make them feel welcome in a different environment. You can help this process, by reassuring your child that they are going to have a good day in the other class and that it is important to grow and form relationships with a variety of teachers. When students see us working together, they are much more comfortable with new or unusual situations.
Parent Apps
We know that many parents use the WhatsApp and Telegram apps to communicate with one another about uniform, play dates and events. This is a wonderful way to build community. It has been brought to my attention that some use it as a forum to share particular issues with the school or teachers. I want to remind parents, that using the app will not solve this situation. It only breeds unrest and anxiety which often makes a situation worse. Please come and see us if there is any issue with your child, teacher or the school. When we are aware of a situation, we can work with you to find possible solutions.
Important Dates
Below are some important dates to put in your calendar. Please be aware that all important dates can be seen on the Compass calendar ahead of time for those needing to plan ahead.
- 12th June (Monday) - King’s Birthday Public Holiday
- 23rd June (Friday) End of Term 1pm finish
- 14th August (Monday) Curriculum Day- no students at school
- 10th November (Friday) Professional Practice Day for staff- no students at school
- 30th November (Thursday) Professional Practice Day for staff - no students at school (To be confirmed)
Marrung Awards
The DCC Leadership team were nominated for the 2023 Secretary’s Marrung Awards in the category of Professional Leadership for their work in developing an understanding of Indigenous culture with staff in order to create an inclusive environment for all.
Whilst we did not win, we were very proud of being chosen as a finalist. It is an enormous honour to be recognised by others for the work of the DCC staff in enacting our vision around inclusivity.
We continue to have excursions, incursions, sports events and celebrations. School is always busy. Take the time as a family to slow down and rest. It is the season for colds and flus. Resting can help combat this. As usual, please do not send your child if they are unwell as it has a flow on effect to other students and staff.
Many of our students are celebrating some amazing achievements outside of school, on the sporting field, in music competitions and community groups. DCC students are a very talented bunch and we are proud of the effort and determination they show towards their extracurricular activities and passions.
Take care.