Victorian State School Science Revision Challenge

Hi DCC Community,
I have something very exciting to share! I am thrilled to share the results of the State Science Competition held recently by Education Perfect. This competition took place between 9th and 11th May, and required students to answer questions based on the science units/topics they have covered in 2023.
Nearly 8000 students from 186 schools across Victoria participated in this event. Our Year 7s were encouraged to participate in this competition.
And!!! Dohertys Creek College finished 1st overall–we are the state champions! This has been an incredible accomplishment from our students. At an individual level, we had many fantastic performers, including Eric (7E) who finished 2nd and Agastya (7E) who finished 3rd. All in all, DCC had 3 students in top 10 and 6 in top 50! What an achievement!
I am extremely proud of all of our students, and my heartiest congratulations to the winners. Many of our students continued working hard through the competition, even when I was unwell that day and had a CRT to cover me. This stands testimony to their honest effort, and I am extremely moved by their effort. Here is the snapshot of what EP sent out to all competing schools:
My heartiest congratulations to all on such a great achievement.
Best regards,
Sonia TyagiYear 7 Maths/Science Teacher