Student Achievement Awards - 15/5/2023


Prathyun, well done on a fantastic week. You have demonstrated the school values brilliantly by showing respect and kindness, and by trying your best at all times, but most importantly showing resilience by never giving up.


Nora you are a superstar at reading. You have listened carefully at all the sounds taught in our phonics lessons and can read the words 'best' and 'dress' so quickly! Keep up the fantastic work!


Amberley well done on working so hard in every subject this week and being an exceptional classmate! You wrote some wonderful sentences using a range of synonyms to describe your favourite zoo character!


Congratulations Ivory on being a great shape detective. You could identify shapes by their description and explain why a shape should be called by its name. You could also classify everyday objects into 2D shapes and explain why they fitted there. Great work Ivory.


Zachary you have been working hard at making good choices about your work habits. You have produced beautiful neat work in a timely manner. You have written so many great sentences in your writer's notebook about your opinions. Great job Zachary.


Well done on the work you did in Reading last week Josh. You wrote a text-to-text and a text-to-self connection about the book "Stellarphant" and how it reminded you of our space themed school concert last year. Congratulations Josh!


Congratulations Hung on the wonderful start you have made at SSPS! In Writing last week, you wrote 3 reasons why your Mum is the best and used 'because' in each of your sentences. You should be very proud of your fantastic effort and determination!


Congrautlations Aaron on the incredible planning you did for your persuasive writing on why catching the bus is better than the train. Your ideas were well organised and very engaging. Awesome effort!


Congratulations Alvin on the wonderful similies you created during our persuasive writing lessons. You used your imagination to create similies such as 'gentle as a leaf' and 'careful as a cat.' Well done Alvin!


Congratulations Lucas on your exceptional understanding and acceptance of all the GEM questions discussed daily. You have a wonderful attitude towards the senarios set and are able to encourage and explain your knowledge to the class with engaging examples. Thank you Lucas for being a fabulous role model to your peers!


Congratulations Annie on developing your craft of using figurative language this week. You have been able to produce many interesting similes including a lovely similie poem about yourself. Keep up the fabulous writing.


Congratulations Matthew on your dedication to learning. You are a self-motivated student, striving to do your best each and every day. I am so proud of the growth you have made in maths and how you are so diligent at ensuring your independent goals are completed. What a superstar!


Daniel always puts his best effort into every task and makes fantastic contributions to all classroom discussions. In a class debate last week Daniel produced an outstanding persuasive argument about why students should not have to wear a school uniform. He is always willing to help other students and is an active member of the classroom. Well done, Daniel. From Miss Ranasinghe.


Congratulations Soham on your energy and enthusiasm during classroom activities. It is a pleasure to see you contribute regularly during class discussions and you have such insightful comments! You are a Super Star!


Congratulations Diya on the amazing effort you are putting into your literacy circles discussions. You are always well prepared and contribute such good ideas that help promote discussion in your group. Keep up the great work!

Senior PESerena 

Well done Serena on a fantastic P.E lesson. You were able to demonstrate great skills in European Handball. Congratulations on your Yo-yo test result of 13.2, a great effort. Keep up the good work!

Junior PEJames 

Fantastic work in P.E this week James, you demonstrated the correct technique when kicking an AFL football and managed to hit quite a few targets. Keep up the good work James.