Year 12 Camp

Year 12 Camp Recount
Camp for the year 12’s happened from February 15th to February 17th, and was held at Lord Somers camp. The year 12 camp was probably the best camp I have been to since year 7, with the amazing summer weather beaming on our heads and the activities that the teachers had planned. These activities were both relaxing while also informing us about how to take life on. This was a great three days with friends away from the stresses of life and school.
Once we had arrived at the camp, I was a bit hesitant, since the camp is close to neighbours who tend to not like loud and excessive noise, and at first glance, was quite smaller than the other camps that I had been to. Entering the gates into the camp, I was quite surprised at how great the camp looked, since I was expecting some sort of grime or dirt to be splattered around the camp, with buildings to be a bit dishevelled, however, it was quite the opposite. The camp was pristinely built, with a massive centre circle of grass, a perfectly laid pavement that leads to different buildings, and the grass freshly cut. The main hall for food was a monstrous figure that looked greatly photogenic, and a theatre hall to the right of it being great for presentations and fun game nights, although the seats that were there were not comfortable to sit on since it was just built by wood planks.
The best moment of the camp was definitely the first time that we went to the beach. Once we got settled into our cabins, which were cabins that could hold 20 people into one (so the nights had got a bit hectic), the teachers instructed us to get our beach wear and towels (plus anything else we needed) and regroup back at the theatre. Once everyone was collected, we were funnelled through the bridge over the ravine onto a pretty beach that was cleaner than most beaches that I have been to. The beach was very long, giving everyone enough space to play around in the water, even with the restrictions of the beach from the lifeguards. The weather was beautiful, with the sun beaming down on our skin (with sunscreen added for a barrier from the sun), no clouds as far as the eye could see. Even though the sun could indefinitely give us the worst sun burn yet, we were ready to tackle that and enjoy the ocean. The teachers gave us about 1-2 hours of fun, where we could swim, throw balls, frisbees and anything that could be thrown, and altogether have the best time we could have. Once we came out of the ocean, we were tired and drained, but we had all made the best out of the time there, which made the rest of the day the best first day of camp I have ever had. I would 100% recommend to future year 12’s to go to this camp and experience this once in a lifetime opportunity.
by Arron Whiston