
にほんご ニュース Japanese news 


にほんご の 勉強(KIDS IN ACTION in Japanese) 


The Prep children have been learning Japanese numbers and they are able to write numbers from 1-10 in Kanji characters!  




The Year 1 children have been enjoying old Japanese tales and they can repeat the stories in Japanese with Koji sensei! 




The Year 2 children have been learning about food and can describe the taste by using phrases such as “The food is yummy”. They have been learning about Japanese bento boxes as well. 



The Year 5 students have been learning Japanese sentences about natural disasters for their learning task. They are able to write names of natural disasters in Kanji characters and sentences such as “Earthquakes are scary, and we prepare for them.”   



The Year 6 students have been revising what they have learnt since Prep. They are now able to write many things about themselves including their family and pets in both Hiragana and Katakana characters!  




よくがんばりました!( Very well done!) 

こうじせんせい Koji sensei