Living with Strength and Kindliness

This week is Reconciliation Week. Last Friday we gathered in House groups to reflect on this as a community.  The theme 'Be a Voice for Generations'  encourages all of us to to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.


We must share and listen to the stories of courage that have flowed from the First Nations communities and through their daily lives; the acts of courage that have brought us to this time in our history. To support our reflection, we shared the names and stories of some national and local people who have been courageous voices for their generations. Among these is Sir Douglas Nicholls, one of our House Patrons. Our FIRE Carriers and Nicholls House students and staff worked to create this gathering for our community and throughout the week will encourage awareness.  


Last week some of our students spent the day in Barmah Forest exploring local Indigenous stories and culture. We were very lucky to be joined by other students from some Kildare Ministries schools for this learning and dialogue. This week some of our Year 7s will also have the opportunity to represent our College at the Sandhurst Diocese Reconciliation Week gathering and Mass in Nathalia. 


Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost Sunday in the Catholic Church marks the birth of the Christian church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost means ‘fiftieth day’ and is celebrated fifty days after Easter. This feast day recalls the tongues of fire in which the Holy Spirit descended on the first Pentecost.  


One of the key themes present in the scripture readings is a sense of community being created and enlivened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit being embodied by the disciples as they shared the message and story of Jesus. 


Pentecost Sunday reminds us all that we are all blessed with different gifts and talents and that our call is to be brave and share these with our community with Strength and Kindliness.


May the Spirit bless us …

May the face of all creation shine upon us …

the grace of life be within our soul.

And in the branches of the trees, arms to hold us …

And in the warmth of sunshine be surrounded and caressed by gentle light of the moon …

May our own heartbeat accompany us into fullness of life

And as our feet meet the earth

and as the wind caresses our face

be blessed with all of creation as one with God.   



Lee Pethybridge

College Leader - Faith and Community