Principal's Report 

As we approach the end of semester, our staff and students are to be commended for the way they have been working diligently to prepare for examinations and complete end of term assessments.


Our students have had many opportunities to engage with the broader community over the term, be it at sporting events, on camps, at career expos, Catholic immersions, workshops and seminars, and it is always pleasing to receive positive comments and acknowledgements from members of the public about the behaviour of our students when they are in uniform in public settings.  


There has been some discussion in the media and in our community about deregulated behaviour of teenagers. This can sometimes present as poor behaviour, vaping, inappropriate language, rudeness or even anger. School and family partnerships can be challenging, but I implore our families to work in partnership with us, particularly when students deviate away from our standards and expectations. 


Staff and parents generally want the same goals for our young people; success socially, academically, physically and spiritually. Achieving these can be difficult at times in an environment of teenagers who are already experiencing physical and hormonal changes. Respect for all is paramount in our setting. 


As a faith community we embrace all who come to our College and I ask that parents and families take time to remind their children about respect, listening and cooperation. There are always some bumps in the road, but together we can develop and influence our young people to be men and women for others, caring and loving individuals who will always be respectful and behave justly in and out of our community.


The change over to Semester 2 will occur in a couple of weeks and this provides all students with the opportunity to reset, start again with new subjects, changed classrooms, new teachers and new and engaging experiences.


God Bless.


Anne Marie Cairns
