Curriculum Matters 

Level 1

We have been very busy in Level 1 recently. 

Inquiry: Students have continued learning about light and sound. They have created Day and Night pictures. They also had an incursion on Thursday 18 May where Professor Bunsen Burner came to talk to them about light and sound. The students really enjoyed watching all the different ways that light and sound can be produced. 

Literacy: In Literacy we have read the book “In a Dark, Dark Wood” by Ruth Brown and changed the words to create our own poems. We enjoyed painting backgrounds to mount our poems on. Please come and read them at Open Night. 

Maths: In Maths we have finished our unit of study on place value and now have been learning about reading and interpreting graphs. 

Level 3

This term the Level 3 students have begun to engage in different exciting and educational learning experiences in our Inquiry topic ‘Hot and Cold’. 

Throughout this unit, they will delve into the world of temperature and the effects it has on different materials. Eager to understand the principals of heat transfer, students have conducted a series of diverse experiments. Some explored the concept of insulation by observing how various materials affected the rate at which objects cooled or heated. 

We also investigated the impact of different heating sources on the temperature of liquids or solids. 

Through these hands on activities, the students developed a deeper comprehension of the scientific properties of hot and cold, while simultaneously honing their critical thinking and experimental skills.