Performing Arts


Whole School Production - Term 3

A reminder that in Term 3 of this year, BPPS will be staging a whole-school production, involving all students from Foundation - Grade 6. Information will be sent home before the end of the term with more specific details, including costume requirements and times your child is required to be at the theatre. 


Our production will be held over two nights: 

Monday 24th July and Tuesday 25th July at the Besen Centre in Burwood. 


Grade 3-6 students will perform on both nights.


Students in FSR, 1MC and 2LP will perform on Monday 24th July.

Students in FKJ, 1JT and 2DF will perform on Tuesday 25th July.


If you know your child will be unable to perform in the production due to family holiday or otherwise, please let me know via email at your earliest convenience. 

Tickets update

Tickets for Production will be on sale shortly! We hope that many members of our school community will be able to come and support our students and witness their incredible hard work. Please keep an eye on your inboxes and on the Compass portal for how you can purchase these. 


Ticket prices will be as follows:


Adult: $30

Child: $20

Family (2 adults; 2 children): $85

Instrumental music lessons update

We have a new teacher at BPPS who is able to offer violin, viola and cello lessons to our students. Trent Bunston is an experienced teacher who runs the Trent Bunston Strings program. 


"We are a string instrument specialist program providing students with paid opportunities to perform and teach. Too often students stop playing in their teenage years due to a lack of further opportunities. We intend to see all those hours of practice utilised through motivating students to work towards teaching and performing at a professional level."


Please contact the school, or Trent directly on 0413 207 689 if you would like to arrange lessons for your child.


- Mrs Thomas