Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom

As part of their unit on Wall and Net Sports, students in 3-6 engaged in tennis clinics in PE last week, aimed at developing not only their tennis skills, but also their understanding of strategy and decision making in sports of this nature. This learning will be reinforced in Weeks 6 and 7 of term, as students in 3-6 shift their focus to the sport of badminton. In the junior levels, students at BPPS have continued to explore the fundamental movement skills of catching and throwing in their PE classes. This has involved a number of activities and games focused upon ball handling and practising correct throwing and catching techniques. 

Sports Events

Not to be deterred by the extremely muddy and slippery running track at Ruffey Lake Park, nine BPPS students competed in the Division Cross Country Carnival on Monday 29th May. Lucky to be in attendance myself, I can assure you that there were some phenomenal efforts on the day from BPPS students, who all demonstrated an inspiring level of dedication and passion for their events. Congratulations to Stephanie Jacklin, Marcus Kwee, Archie Peck, Phoenix Athanas and Harvey Wallens for their efforts on the day as well as the training they put in to achieve their best at this event. Special congratulations to the students listed below, who finished in the top 12 of their events and will now move onto Regional Cross Country, on Tuesday 12th June. 


Under 11 Girls - 

  • Madeline D (3rd) 

Under 11 Boys - 

  • Kouki T (9th)
  • Ryan W (11th)

Under 13 Girls - 

  • Sophie P (1st)

Well done to all students who competed at Division and best of luck to Madeline, Kouki, Ryan and Sophie at the Regional Cross Country event!


Have a great week!


Mr. Wickham