News from the 3/4 Team...

Healesville Sanctuary!

On Monday 22nd May the Team 3/4 students were lucky enough to visit Healesville Sanctuary as part of our whole school concept Sustainability. 


Students spent the day engaged in learning about and understanding the importance of habitats for plants and animals. They were encouraged to think and act sustainably when they interact with the environment and discovered how to become a hero to help save wildlife. 









They also had a chance to learn about and meet the animals that make Australia unique. A particular highlight was the Spirits of the Sky show where students observed the natural behaviours and unique characteristics of a variety of native birds as they flew overhead, even grazing a few of us on their way through!










We would like to thank the parent helpers who were able to join us on the day, these wonderful learning opportunities couldn’t run without your help and support and we greatly appreciate it.


We all had a wonderful time and learnt so much about caring for the environment and the importance of protecting our native animals habitats. Here are some highlights from the students in 4JT.


Eveline- "I really enjoyed the Spirits of the Sky show because the birds behaviour was very interesting:


Claudia- "My highlight was seeing the koalas because they looked very sleepy and I really liked writing about them back at school"


Sophia- "The kangaroos were my favourite as they were very cute and sleepy"


Ava- "My highlight was re-designing the boxes that protect the possums and birds, we made ours a dome shape so feral cats can't get to the animals"


Peter- "I loved the Spirit of the Sky show, it was amazing when the birds flew so close to us!


From Mrs Jacobs, Mrs Trevorrow and 4JT