From the 1/2 Classrooms

Cyber Safety

Last week the Grade 1 and 2 students participated in a new program run by Life Education Victoria. 


The focus was on cyber safety and providing vital life skills for the students.

The learning outcomes for the cyber safety sessions included:

  • Learning to manage emotions whilst online
  • Learning to be responsible and respectful online
  • How to be part of a safe digital community
  • Learning about private and personal information
  • Keeping our digital world fun and friendly
  • Learning to develop skills to question what we see and hear online
  • How to manage feelings and emotions when using social media

Students were stepped through a process on what the internet is and how the internet is connected. Each child was their own ‘computer’ and when the students ‘connected’ (held hands) with another the computer, this pair then connected to another pair of ‘computers’. The students were given a visual representation of how one computer does not work in isolation, in fact, each computer is connected to communicate and share information. 

A question was asked of the students – what is the collective noun for a group of giraffes? Each ‘computer’ was asked and when the correct answer was discovered, the network of ‘computers’ all quickly shared the information until all the ‘computers’ knew the answer – a tower!


During the session, students interacted with the famous giraffe – Harold. Through Harold’s helper Kate, the students were asked about their experiences of being online, games and chat functions. The students discussed the differences and similarities of being respectful in real world and online communities. 



Here are some comments from Grade 1 and 2 students about what they learnt in the session.
  • Freya 1JT - Treat others online like you would want to be treated. 
  • Emily 1JT - I learnt what a group of giraffes are called. 
  • Sai 1JT - I learnt that one computer needs more computers to be able to search for things. 
  • Liam F 1JT - I learnt things about what the emojis mean. 
  • Sebastian 1MC - I learnt not to buy stuff online without permission. 
  • Kiaan 1MC - I learnt how to play safely on iPads and phones and not to text people that I don’t know. I need to ask mum and dad about texting people. 
  • Kareena 1MC - I learnt to stay safe and not to talk to strangers online. 
  • Makayla 2DF - We need to be safe online because there are scammers and hackers. 
  • Olivia I 2DF - I learnt not to tell people your password. 
  • Olivia P 2DF - Don’t share your password with people you don’t know. 
  • Ayesha 2LP - I learnt that if someone is trying to hack you, you ask them why they want your password and if it looks suspicious check with mum and dad. 
  • Nadia 2LP - I learnt if someone added a friend that you don’t know, try to talk to them and if they are a not who they say they are, don’t talk to them. Don’t let them know your password. 
  • Ross  2LP - If you want to be polite to someone, ask them their name so you get to know them. 
  • Zachary 2LP - Try to make sure you are not talking to a stranger. 


The students and teachers were excited about being the first to experience this new model and working with Life Education Victoria. 


From the 1/2 Team.