Active Travel

Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

Only a day into Winter, yet the sun is still shining brightly every morning.  What a great time of the year to experience the crisp chill, chat with your buddies, listen to the birds and fill your lungs with fresh air.

Well done to all BPPS students who continue to walk and wheel for themselves and the environment.  5SG had a whopping 76% participate this week, closely followed by 6LK and 4JT.  And a shout out to 1JT who led the way in the junior school!


To celebrate our efforts, we have some collaborative poems by Grace (3AT) and Adeline (3AT); Priscilla (2LP) and Gabriella (5NK); and Max (5NK) and Beck (5NK).  Enjoy the poetry as you walk and wheel to school!