Senior School

The Hidden Perils of Vaping: Protecting Students from its Dangers

Insidiously marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, packaged in brightly coloured wrapping, featuring stylised cartoons and often resembling candy or lollies, vaping has rapidly gained popularity within the wider community. Attracting the attention of youths with sleek designs and enticing flavours, vaping presents a multitude of hidden health risks for those who choose to imbibe in this new vice. In this edition of The Vine, we will endeavour to shed light on some of the key dangers associated with vaping and discuss ways whereby parents and teachers can work together to keep vapes away from our students.


Vaping, or more precisely e-cigarettes or vapes, typically contains salt nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can have detrimental effects on adolescent brain development. Nicotine has been shown to negatively impact memory, attention span, and cognitive function and may hinder academic performance as a result. The aerosol produced by e-cigarettes contains harmful chemicals, including formaldehyde, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds. These toxic substances have been shown to cause respiratory issues, irreversible lung damage, and may increase the risk of developing respiratory diseases like bronchitis and asthma.


Apart from the physical risks, vaping can also have adverse social and emotional consequences for students. Peer pressure and the desire to fit in can lead youngsters to start vaping, believing it to be a cool trend. Social media influencers and celebrities have been shown to indulge in vaping and this may further encourage young people to adopt the habit. Vaping has also been shown to serve as a potential gateway to other substance abuse. Studies have shown that adolescents who vape are more likely to experiment with traditional cigarettes and other illicit substances. By falling into the vaping trap, our students may unknowingly be paving the way towards a dangerous path of addiction and health complications.


To protect our students from the dangers of vaping, the Senior School has adopted a hard line against the use of vapes on school grounds and at Oxley school events. Students have been advised of the dangers associated with vaping during Chapel presentations and serious consequences will follow for students who choose to engage in any vaping activities at school. This undertaking cannot be left to teachers alone, and it is crucial that parents and teachers work together to help our students understand the dangers of vaping and encourage them to make the choice to stay away from vapes with resilience and conviction.

Open communication and collaboration between staff, students and parents is key. Parents are encouraged to engage their children in honest discussions about the risks associated with vaping. Students are advised to share any details or concerns regarding vaping with their parents and teachers. Teachers will remain vigilant and will promptly respond to any signs of vaping activity at school or within the student community. 


The dangers of vaping for students should not be understated. As committed members of the wider Oxley Christian College community, it is incumbent on each of us to take proactive steps to ensure that students are aware of the dangers of vaping as we endeavour to keep them away from our students’ hands.


Written by James Avram


The Evolving Role of AI Bots in Senior Schools: Navigating Potential Dangers and Pitfalls

While AI bots, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), offer significant benefits to senior schools, it is important to navigate the potential dangers and pitfalls associated with their use. The use of such technologies is an inevitability and will undoubtedly have an indelible impact on teaching and learning in classrooms that are equipped to readily engage with 21st century teaching practices. While these bots are poised to revolutionise the educational experience for our students, we must also approach their implementation with care and caution and address certain concerns.


One potential danger lies in the accuracy and reliability of information provided by AI bots. While they can retrieve vast amounts of data, there is a risk of encountering biased or incorrect information. It is crucial for educators to teach students critical thinking skills and encourage them to verify information from multiple sources rather than solely relying on AI bots. Rather than impose a blanket ban on AI technologies, Oxley Christian College teachers will help our students learn how to use these new resources and apply them with discernment and understanding. Our students will be taught how to evaluate the credibility and validity of the information presented.


Privacy and data security is another area of concern. AI bots interact with students, gather data, and store information about their learning patterns and preferences. Oxley Christian College has long prioritised the implementation of robust data protection measures to safeguard student privacy and will continue to safeguard student privacy if, and when, AI bots are incorporated as part of its curriculum. Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and adopting stringent security protocols are crucial steps in mitigating potential risks associated with data breaches or unauthorised access to student information.


It is also understood that overuse and overreliance on AI bots can also hinder students' development of essential skills. While AI bots can provide immediate answers and assistance, they should not replace the process of critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent learning. Classroom practice and student outcomes that use AI should strike a balance between utilising AI bots as a helpful resource and encouraging students to develop their own analytical and research abilities.


Another concern is the potential for AI bots to perpetuate social isolation. While virtual interactions with AI bots can be convenient, it is essential to prioritise real human connections and foster collaborative learning environments. Educators must emphasise the importance of face-to-face interactions, group work, and communication skills to ensure students develop well-rounded interpersonal abilities.


Ethical considerations also come into play. AI bots learn from vast amounts of data, and biases present in that data can influence their responses. Educators need to be vigilant in monitoring and addressing any biases or discriminatory language that may emerge from AI bots. Regular evaluation and retraining of AI models are crucial to ensure they promote inclusivity and diversity.


In conclusion, while AI bots like GPT offer significant advantages in senior schools such as ours, and it is essential to navigate potential dangers and pitfalls. Our teachers will provide guidance, foster critical thinking skills, and encourage responsible use of AI bots. By addressing concerns related to accuracy, privacy, skill development, social interactions, and ethics, we can harness the potential of AI bots to enhance education while safeguarding the wellbeing and development of students.


Written with Chat GPT



James Avram

Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School