What Did You Do At School?


Wow! We have had an incredible fortnight! This term, we have been learning about sustainability and how we can look after God’s creation. During our last visit to the Barn, we analysed different leaves and discussed what living things need to survive. We each had the opportunity to paint a leaf and carefully observe its structure. In Mathematics, we have been exploring the topic Collecting Data. Using yes or no questions, we collected, recorded and analysed information about our peers. We loved representing our findings in different ways and sharing our discoveries with each other.

Year 1

Is that a bird, a koala, or a nest? No, it’s a POSSUM! During our Eco Centre excursion we participated in a range of activities that promoted care for our Environment. Despite a cold and wet day we still found many highlights to celebrate. One of the most significant for many was finding a possum semi-awake in the hollow of a large tree. We used our binoculars to zoom in and take a closer of look. He even popped his little pink nose out for us to see. We also enjoyed searching for, and identifying, a range of water bugs found in the garden pond using magnifying glasses.

Year 2

We have been working hard and learning a lot about our environment. The big piece of knowledge we have gathered is how to reduce, reuse and recycle to leave a tiny footprint on our world. Maybe you can create some goals to help your family at home. We had an informative and fun excursion to the St Kilda Botanical Gardens to learn this. The natural fauna and flora inspired us to look after our world.


Swara and Zhen
Swara and Zhen

Year 3

We are in the middle of researching and investigating endangered animals! It has blown us away to see so many different animals that God has created, and it has made us sad to learn how they are threatened by environmental changes and human impact. We look forward to presenting our Conservation Campaign, where we share information about our animals and how to protect them, to our family later in the term.

Year 4

Mill Valley Ranch was so much fun! I loved spending time with all my school friends and teachers. We stayed up late and went on a night walk. You could see all the stars and I even saw a shooting star! We were right below the Southern Cross and we saw wildlife everywhere. It felt magical to see God’s creation this way. Hope Law


This was my first school camp, and probably the best! Mill Valley Ranch will be in my memory forever. From horse riding to playing hockey with a Coke can, it was a crazy but wonderful experience. My favourite part was the excitement of setting up the cabin to sleep in. Knowing what your cabin looks like makes you excited to sleep with all your friends that night. Charisma Gray


One of the coolest things at camp was horse riding! All the horses there are so sweet, loving, cute, gentle and fun. We also had damper and it was my first time and it was delicious. The bus ride there was fun: we sang songs, talked and had fun, of course! On the bus ride back everyone was asleep! Isabella Bassegio


We had a lot of fun doing archery, horse riding, group games and many more activities. We loved all the delicious food, especially the waffles for breakfast on the last day. The days were filled with laughter and silent when it was night. My favourite activity was archery and I recommend it very much. Ellen Fraser


For more photos click here - Year 4 Camp

Year 5

We have enjoyed learning how to captivate our audience’s attention when writing personal memoirs. It is so powerful when we explode a moment rather than list every single thing we did. Feel free to ask us to share a personal memoir. Collecting weather data using our homemade meteorological devices was fascinating, and we certainly realised how challenging the job of a meteorologist is. Discovering how to feed yeast was very interesting, and the smell of the yeast fermenting was not at all pleasant.

Year 6

In Integrated Studies, we have been investigating and learning about living things in different environments. We began learning how to conduct experiments by following instructions to ensure accuracy and repeatability in results and to make observations about how sugar and yeast interact. We then did further reading to research how other organisms, like plants and animals, adapt to the Australian Desert environment and summarised our findings in a fishbone diagram. It has been great learning to research, record sources, and build a collaborative learning culture through sharing in our classroom.