General Notices

Secondhand Shop – Oxley Online has been retired
The Secondhand Shop available through Oxley Online is no longer available to parents to use to sell / buy secondhand items.
Parents are encouraged to now use the Sustainable School Shop for selling and buying secondhand textbooks and uniform items. The Sustainable School Shop promotes the re-use and recycling of secondhand school related items, enabling families to look for a secondhand item first, before buying new.
A link to the Secondhand School Shop is available on the Parent Portal (via the App or Oxley website). Please ensure to refer to the 2023 Secondhand Books Approved for Purchase or Sale list, available under the Docs tab on the Parent Portal, before listing an item.
Links to stocktake pages for Oxley items are also available on the Parent Portal –
Cathie McDowell
Office Manager
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) – Information for Parents and Concession Card Holders
CSEF funding is made available by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families cover the costs of camps, sport, and excursions, which are included in fees that are billed to your school account.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, (e.g. Centrelink Health Care Card), or you are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF funding.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
1. $125 for primary school students
2. $225 for secondary school students
For more information about CSEF, and to download the CSEF application form, visit Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund | Victorian Government ( An application form may also be obtained from the College Office. Application forms must be lodged with the College by 23 June 2023.
Please note that the College is required to sight any relevant concession cards that you may hold to support eligibility for the CSEF. Therefore, please either bring your concession card with you, if you are dropping off your application at the College Office or email a copy of your concession card with your application to Dawn Pryor, Accounts Receivable Officer, email:
Upon approval by the Victorian Government, the allowance will be paid to the College, which will then be applied to your school account.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dawn Pryor, by email, or by telephone on 9727 9900.
Andrew Holland
Business Manager
Croydon Station Railway Crossing Removal Project
The College has received the notice below relating to upcoming works and buses replacing trains on the Belgrave / Lilydale lines.
The dangerous level crossing at Coolstore Road, Croydon is being removed to improve safety, reduce congestion and allow more trains, more often on the Lilydale line.
The level crossing at Coolstore Road will be removed by building a new rail bridge over the road and a new transport hub. We’ll also build a new, premium Croydon Station, with two entrances, improved safety and access, and modern facilities for passengers.
Buses replace trains on the Belgrave and Lilydale lines
To support these works, buses will replace trains between:
- Ringwood and Lilydale from 8:30pm Tuesday 6 June to 8:30pm Friday 9 June
- Blackburn and Lilydale / Belgrave from 8:30pm Friday 9 June to last service Sunday 11 June.
Croydon Station pedestrian access changes
During this time, there will be changes to the way school students, parents/guardians and school staff move around the station area.
Pedestrian level crossings will be temporarily closed at:
- Croydon Station from 7am Wednesday 7 June to 7pm Thursday 8 June.
- Coolstore Road from 7pm Wednesday 7 June to 7pm on Thursday 8 June.
To cross the train line, school students, parents/guardians and school staff can use the pedestrian level crossings between:
- Alto Avenue and Gallipoli Parade (west of Croydon Station)
- Kent Avenue and Main Street (near the roundabout)
Croydon Station will remain open, including the customer service office, toilets and myki facilities.
Works in the area
While trains are not running, works will continue day and night to complete:
- Trenching and installation of underground rail equipment
- Piling for rail overhead wire foundations
- Demolition of bus shelters on the northern side (Wicklow Avenue side) of Croydon Station
- Rail signalling works
- Vegetation removal and trimming
- Installation of fencing and barriers along the rail corridor
- Soil testing
- Service investigation works
Please note, due to investigation works, there will be temporary lane closures on Pierson Drive, Lacey Street and Harry Lacey Lane overnight from 7pm Wednesday 7 June to 7am Thursday 8 June.
Traffic management will be in place to facilitate local access, as required.
Helping students navigate disruptions
We know how important it is for your school to navigate these works and there are several ways we’ll help students, parents/guardians and staff get to and from school safely, including:
- Clear, signed pedestrian pathways around construction zones, particularly where these zones are near schools
- Traffic management crews on site to safely direct traffic and monitor congestion
- School updates, to provide information that can be used in school communication channels to parents and guardians
- Opportunities for students to get involved in the project through learning activities and career talks
- Clear, advanced notice of disruptions online, via email and SMS, and in local letterboxes.
We’re also available to hold meetings with parents/guardians at schools to go through these disruptions in more detail.
We have limited vacancies for next year and would encourage you to submit your Enrolment Application Form as soon as possible if you wish your child to be considered for a place.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2025 and beyond (particularly Prep and Year 7) and look forward to hearing from you if you wish to enrol your child(ren).
Notice to Withdraw
Parents are reminded of their obligation to give the College one full term’s notice, in writing to the Principal, if their children are not continuing at Oxley Christian College. The lack of one term’s notice will result in the payment of one term’s Tuition Fees.
It is also a legal requirement for you to inform us of the school to which your child’s enrolment is transferring.
Caroline Lewis
Open 6.30am - 6.30pm | 9727 9200 |
Oxley Kids is taking applications for 2024 and beyond. Please fill out the electronic waiting list form at or contact Oxley Kids on 9727 9200 or via
We look forward to being part of your child’s educational journey.
Kim Sopar
Oxley Kids Director