
Year 12 Student Academic Reports
This week, Semester 1 Reports on students of Year 12 will be available online to parents/carers via the TASS Parent Lounge.
The Year 12 Parent/Teacher interviews were held on the evening of Monday 6 March prior to the commencement of the Year 12 Assessment Block on Wednesday 8 March and concluding Friday 17 March. Since then, Year 12 teachers marked assessments, returned scripts, and worked on preparing reports.
The Semester 1 Report is an opportunity for parents and carers to revisit their sons’ progress but more importantly, discuss strategies and recommendations in preparing for upcoming second term assessments, the Trial HSC and HSC examinations.
Year 10 Academic Attainment Test
As per the College Calendar and Diary, the Academic Attainment Test (AAT) and Careers Exploration for Year 10 are scheduled for Tuesday 9 May.
Specifically, on Tuesday 9 May, Year 10 are required to assemble in the yard adjacent the College Hall by no later than 8:35 AM and the first test will commence shortly afterwards, supervised by external invigilators from Academic Assessment Services (AAS).
The purpose of the AAT and Careers Exploration are to provide the College with externally determined independent assessment data that will inform prospective Year 11 students and their parents/carers making appropriate subject selection choices for the senior years of secondary schooling.
The tests are prepared and administered by AAS, formerly Robert Allwell and Associates, who are nationally renowned independent consultants specialising in the assessment and analysis of educational performance and progress.
It is important to note that the data from the AAT and prospective careers advice will contribute significantly to subject selection recommendations for Year 11 in 2023 along with the results from the Year 9 examinations conducted in fourth term of last year, the upcoming Year 10 examinations and the NESA HSC Minimum Standards Tests which will be conducted over the week commencing Tuesday 16 May.
2023 HSC Written Examination Timetable
The 2023 HSC written examination timetable is now available for viewing online via the NESA website at: HSC written exam timetable | NSW Education Standards
The HSC written examinations commence Wednesday 11 October with English and conclude Friday 3 November with Food Technology.
The Oral Language examinations will run from 5 August to 9 September and scheduled timeframes for each language may be viewed at:
HSC languages oral exam timetable | NSW Education Standards
Students can access their personalised written examination timetable from Students Online.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum