Student Services : Careers

The power of working to your strengths
It’s been so busy that the final week of Term One seems to have crept up on us! Thanks again to all our presenters, exhibitors and students who made our Careers Day and Expo such a success on March 21st. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we hope that we can find the time and energy to make this an annual event.
You can be very proud of your students, both in the interest they took in the career options on offer and for the wonderful help they gave. (Australian Refrigeration Council)
The students asked really engaging questions, were open to hearing about all options from employers and on the whole the students were really lovely to speak with (CitiPower/PowerCor)
The event ran amazingly, and it was easily one of the best school expos I have attended. (Carlton College of Sport)
Today our Year 12 students were lucky to hear from Roman MC, who conducted a workshop presentation for the cohort. In preparing for future careers, it is important that students spend time reflecting on their individual needs and capabilities. They should celebrate their strengths and strive to be the best version of themselves in all aspects of their lives. Academic results are important, but one should never underestimate the power of their own unique competencies. I hope that the Careers events provided to our Year 12 cohort over the past couple of weeks have provided them with meaningful guidance and motivation as they navigate this challenging year.
Urgent - Year 10 Work Experience deadline is here
Late last year we launched our 2023 Work Experience program. Year 10 students have had quite a bit of time to research, approach employers and apply for a placement. All documentation is due by the end of this week (Thursday).
Students who have not been able to secure a placement will be placed in the Virtual Work Experience Program to complete research and activities from home during the allocated week.
See you all in Term 2!