Year 8 English

Embracing challenge with performance poetry
The Year 8 English classes have been working on poetry in collaboration with local poets Rob Tremlett (aka Mantra) and Emilie Zoey Baker. All students wrote a poet around the theme of ‘challenge’ and today the best from each classes performed their slam poems in our Performing Arts Theatre. The event was a roaring success with all students impressing with their passion, energy, and poetic skills.
The year level was divided into two groups (A & B). In group A, prizes for most well written poem went to Frank, and best performance went to Illi. First prize in the group A went to Georgia and second prize was shared between Illi, Eimer, Grace, and Lani. In group B, most well written poem went to Lachie, Pia, Maleah, Bella. The best performance for group B went to Zara, Alec, and Max. First prize went to Hamish and second prize went to Zachary. First and second place getters will move on to represent NHS at a state wide poetry competition at the Wheeler Centre.
Congratulations to all prize winners, performers, and a huge thank you to our year 9 former poetry champs Alex Wright and Lee Pennefather who helped judge the competition. Finally, a special shout out to Year 8 English teacher and convenor Elenni Ballis who put in an extraordinary amount of work to organise this wonderful event.
~Elliot Wall, Head of English