Brooke's Message

Monday 8th May

Welcome Back Everyone!  


I’m feeling rested and ready to go, I hope you are too!  I wonder what exciting things await us this term.  


I never tire of returning after a break and catching up with the students, staff and of course our wonderful Melton SS parent/carer community.  The energy that your young people bring to the start of each new term is infectious.


As we embark on Term 2, I am excited to continue our journey of learning and growth together.  Please know that our door is always open if you have any questions or need clarification about any of the activities that have been scheduled, Melton SS’ continued success comes from a place of collaboration, we really do value your input.


Kristy, Craig, and I felt very privileged to attend SPPIKE training this week. SPPIKE training aims to provide a platform to equip school leaders with the knowledge, skills and tools to be transformative for whole school culture change pertaining to Koorie Cultural Inclusion and high expectations. 


We found the experience incredibly inspiring and are looking forward to working in our teams to implement some of our learning. 


Our aims at Melton Specialist School are to provide a safe and happy space for all of our school community especially our Koorie Community and to acknowledge authentically that Aboriginal People are the traditional owners of this land and we can learn so much from their connection to Country, the waterways and people. 


As arguably the most popular member of staff, Bunji'simpact continues to shine through.  Our students and staff light up when he is around, and I am so thankful that we chose to develop a Wellbeing Dog Program at Melton SS.


Incredibly, Bunji has been with Melton SS for 1 year this month and as a way to celebrate this milestone we have created a video which we will share with you on Facebook in the coming days.

Gotcha Shop

Drum roll please……. our Gotcha Shop is ready for its relaunch!


Our Maintenance Team have been working tirelessly to ensure that it was ready for business for the start of this term. 

Melton Fresh Food 

Melton Fresh Food Supermarket has now received additional shelving creating isles that replicate the look and feel of a real supermarket, it really is beginning to take shape thanks to some very dedicated and passionate staff here at Melton SS.  


The students have embraced the new learning space and are enjoying honing their retail skills.  This addition to our curriculum is proving to be invaluable, naturally allowing opportunities to practice social, numeracy and literacy proficiencies.  

Julius' Comic

Parent Drop Off Pick Up

Please remember to turn off your engine when you drop off your children by car in the loop and wait for the whistle before you get out of your car. 

The safety of our staff and students is always paramount.


Thank you

