From the Principal

Dear Families,
At the end of last Term we moved through the season of Lent towards Easter Sunday, we commemorated the events of Holy Week, which began with Palm Sunday. Holy Week shows us that Jesus is a victim of great injustice. Instead of nursing feelings of hurt, anger, disgust and contempt, Jesus exhibits a strong sense of compassion toward those responsible for his execution when he says, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”.
Holy Week is the week preceding Easter and is the final week of Lent. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday.
On Palm Sunday, we commemorate Jesus’ ‘triumphant entry’ into Jerusalem. Some of the palms from Palm Sunday may be burnt and then turned into ashes for the following year's Ash Wednesday.
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, marks the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples, his betrayal by his disciple Judas Iscariot, and his arrest at the Garden of Gethsemane. Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate, his sentence of death, his torture, and his crucifixion and burial.
Holy Week moves from the crowd cheering ‘Hosanna’ on Palm Sunday, to the sadness of Maundy Thursday, to the agony of Jesus on Good Friday, to the joyous celebration of the first Eucharist of Easter. It is a story of triumph. Jesus suffers so very much, but rises above it all in the resurrection. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, together with Holy Saturday, are known as the Triduum.
On Tuesday, I was honored to attend the Upwey-Belgrave RSL ANZAC Day service with School Captains Jasper and Grace. The RSL did a fantastic job with their guest speakers and provided a moving and memorable service. Jasper and Grace laid a wreath on behalf of our school. I will ask Jasper and Grace to share their reflections with the school community at the next assembly on the 8th of May.
New Website:
Our new and improved school website is now up and running. Tserlin from School Presence did an amazing job with the website design, photos and movement clips. We also have included the virtual school tour completed late last year. Regular updates will be made to the website including update Numeracy, Literacy and Inquiry information.
Mater Christi and St Joseph's taster day (Year 4):
Next Thursday (4th May) our Year 4 students will head to Mater Christi and St Joseph's for their respective taster days. The bus will pick the students up from school and drop them back at STM around 12:30pm. Please make sure you have approved the Operoo form.
Change of Date to the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
At the end of last term I sent an Operoo out to families outlining some important dates. The workshop date for reconciliation is Wednesday 3rd of May at 3:30pm at school, however the date of the Sacrament has needed to change as Father Cruz will be away on the original date. The new date for the Sacrament is Tuesday 22nd of June at 4pm.
School Closure Days:
Please add the following dates to your diary.
Friday 9th of June: Curriculum Day
Monday 12th of June: King's Birthday
Friday 3rd of November: Curriculum Day
Monday 6th of November: Report Writing Day
Tuesday 7th of November: Melbourne Cup
Monday 4th of December: 2024 Planning day for staff
End of School Year Dates:
End of Year dates are as follows:
Year 6 Graduation Day/Year 6 last day: Thursday 14th of December (Lunch from 12pm-3pm, Mass from 6:30pm-8:30pm)
Prep/Year 5 last day: Friday 15th of December at 3:10pm
Sibling Enrolment Forms:
Earlier this term we sent Enrolment packs home to those families who we believe have children (siblings) attending prep next year. If this is the case, please fill out the forms and return them to the office by the end of April. Any questions please see Ash in the office.
Save the date: Trivia Night:
Athletics Day:
The School Athletics Day will take place next Friday 5th of May at School. Students will compete in a range of fun events. This day will also be a qualifying event for the Athletics and Cross Country district events.
Students are asked to dress in their house colours (same as the swimming carnival, Preps will be placed into houses).
About Real Life - Sexuality Education Program
August 22nd - Parent Only workshop - Online
August 29th - Parent and Child workshops - time and place tbc
As per the Operoo I sent out late last term, we have engaged with Sue from About Real Life, a company that deliver Sexuality Education. The program is age appropriate and I have attached below a summary of topics covered in 2021. It would be great if this event was well supported, it is free for families.
No Hats needed for Term 2 and 3
No hats are required for Terms 2 and 3. Year 6 students can continue to wear their baseball cap hats on Wednesdays.
School Fete Committee:
I am seeking passionate people to join a School Fete Committee to investigate if a Fete is viable once again for our school (with a possible start in 2024). The plan is for this to be a fresh start and a move away from the Mountain Doo (which hasn't occurred for a number of years).
This committee is a separate entity to the Parents and Friends and School Advisory Committee at this stage and I welcome expressions of interest from all members of the school community. Please send me an email if you are interested.
Commitment to Child Safety:
Please see attached the CECV's (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria) commitment to Child Safety in schools. Each school must have a range of measures in place to meet the 11 Child Safety Standards.
Thank you, take care and God Bless