Student Voice

ANZAC Day Assembly
On Thursday, 4th May we held our ANZAC Assembly. We were fortunate to have Lieutenant Commander Dave Lassam from the Royal Australian Navy (Retired) speak to the staff and students about the sacrifices that our Armed Forces have made since 1915 and how "our country grew and [how this has] defined our character".
Mr Smith, our Principal, also gave an important speech detailing the ANZAC Gallipoli Campaign and the impact that this had both on our Forces and at Home and how "the ANZAC Legend shaped our future".
Members of our Student Representative Council recited the solemn war poems; In Flanders Fields (by John McCrae) and For the Fallen (by Laurence Binyon), followed by the playing of The Last Post and a minute's silence. Our resident Piper, Mr Telford, concluded the Assembly with a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace.
Colour Run & Cross Country
On Monday, 24th April, we held a Whole School Colour Run and Cross Country Event. It was great to see so many students participating - it was a lot of fun and great exercise! Overwhelmingly, the feedback we received about the Colour Run event was positive - students are definitely interested in doing it again. For our next Colour Run we will probably do a smaller course.
All of the proceeds we received on the day are being given to Our Watch, which is a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia.
Thanks to everyone who donated and took part on the day!
On behalf of all the PSC House Captains:
Harry Reid - Jamieson House Captain &
Jake Robinson – Lecky House Captain
Year 7 Camp
From Wednesday 4th until Friday 5th May, many of our Year 7 students attended Camp at the beautiful Camp Rumbug which is located in the hills of South Gippsland and set in 200 acres of temperate rainforest overlooking Wilsons Promontory National Park.
The students took part in bushcraft skills, low ropes, raft building, canoeing, orienteering and the mud run. They had a tremendous amount of fun and learnt some valuable skills.