Student Achievement Awards

Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved their first Class Award.  As assemblies have been cancelled for the time being, Students are currently being presented their Awards in class each fortnight.  Photos will be included in the newsletter where possible.


Cameron Lawrence

Charlotte Haycock

Claire Wright

Cooper Allingham

Elly Biddle

Harry Kelly

Hunter Humphries

Jahluka Flint

Joseph Hill

Maeve Curry

Mercy Suluma

Molly Schmude

Nova Vidal-Widders

Phoebe Butterworth

Poppy Stace

Rebecca Billingsley

Year 5 Awards
Year 3 Awards
Year 1 Awards
Year 5 Awards
Year 3 Awards
Year 1 Awards

Congratulations to the following student who has achieved their second Class Award.


Ivie Barnden