Classroom News - Year 3

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Year 3 have settled back into school very well. It has been great to have all the children back with their friends and teaching them in their classroom environment. With only a few weeks left of this term we have been very busy reviewing and building on from what we have learnt so far. 


Our English focus for the rest of Term 2 is Narratives. Students have been exploring text structure, coming up with some sizzling starters, and incorporating some 'Wow' words in their writing. Big Write will continue to be on Wednesdays. Their ' Talk Homework' will be sent home prior to the day, and we encourage family members to participate in this so that students have some great ideas to assist with their writing. Talk homework can be done over the dinner table, while on an after-walk or even in the car. 


We have started our new topic on Multiplication and Division. Students have been revising the language used in relation to multiplication and have been encouraged to move on from using 'groups of' to multiplied. We have also started our Times Table Challenge each day as a warm up. Students have been enjoying this activity to  start off our maths lessons, and everyone has reach a new Personal Best each day. It has been great to see students excited to beat their previous score, with some choosing to practise at home.