Positive Education

Melanie Sluyters

Snowflakes of Gratitude 

On these Winter days when the weather can be grey and sometimes rainy, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning and even harder to approach challenges with a good attitude, let alone gratefulness. Gratefulness or gratitude offers us not just a way of getting through or coping, but a doorway to real joy and a deep appreciation for the diverse situations we find ourselves in and the people we are connected to.  


With all that has gone on this year it may be really tricky to name some things that we are grateful for as the burden of how our lives have changed may all be too consuming.  But it is important that we do stop and recognise how blessed we are to live in this beautiful state of Tasmania and teach where we teach or learn where we learn.


Students from Kinder - Year 6 were asked to reflect on what they feel grateful for answering a series of questions such as: 

  • Where were you?
  • Who was there?
  • What were you doing?
  • What time of day was it?
  • What was the day like?
  • Why did you feel so grateful?
  • How can you share your gratefulness with those around you?


All students then presented their work on a snowflake (very fitting at the moment), either using words or illustrations.  They are now displayed as a snowflake in the hallway of the Secondary Block, outside the Staff Room.  

Year 10 House Banner

Last term all students from Years 7 - 9 wrote messages of support and love on material for those within their Clan groups. These pieces of material were then sewn together to create a large quilt that is now proudly hanging in the Year 10 Common Room in Providence House.  

A huge thank you to Ms Jo Byrne who put the fabric together into a spectacular piece for display.