From the Deputy Principal

Lyndal Tewes

2020 Celebration Evening

Year 10 event only and date change

Our 2020 College Celebration Evening is scheduled to take place on the evening of Thursday, 26 November at Wrest Point Convention Centre.  However, due to the COVID-19 restrictions that are currently in place this event will not take place for Years 4 - 9 students and their families.  This is an unfortunate development that the College is saddened by in terms of the tradition of this event, but we are bound by the restrictions that are in place for public safety and this remains our first priority.


The Year 10 students and their parents will attend a Celebration Evening to acknowledge their time at Mount Carmel College at the Don Bosco Centre, Guilford Young College (Glenorchy campus) on Wednesday, 25 November.  We ask all Year 10 students and parents to please ‘save the date’.  Further information and updates in regards to this event will be communicated directly with the Year 10 students and their families.


Social Media- TikTok

It has come to our attention again, that a number of students are posting TikTok’s whilst in school uniform and in school time. Page 194 of the College Planner states that "students must not use social media, Facebook or similar programs". We require that these videos/photos be removed as a matter of importance. Students will be given until the end of next week, Friday 21 August as an amnesty to remove these images. After this time if we see any images that are deemed to be in breach of the College's expectations,  further conversations will be had with individual students and sanctions may be enforced.


The use of social media platform TikTok has many cyber-security issues. It is important that parents understand that accessing TikTok gives a clear route to your child’s device including the device’s camera, microphone, contact list and location. As expected, teenagers are either unaware or unaffected by the implications of signing the user agreement for this software and so it is up to adults to help them regulate this access.


Mount Carmel College currently advises that TikTok should not be used by any child in our care until all concerns about unfettered access by the platform to their data have been resolved. If you have any questions about this or any other security matters, please do not hesitate to contact us, or check in with Australia’s eSafety Commissioner website (

Winter Uniform/HPE Uniform

Recently there has been a spat of some secondary students wearing “hoodie” type tops as an additional layer with the College HPE uniform.  Additionally, name brand sports leggings are not to be worn in HPE lessons. These items are not part of the College uniform and should not be worn.

A College rugby top may be worn with the College sports jacket if additional warmth is needed and College leggings can also be purchased from the College Uniform Shop.  The full College tracksuit (with MCC track pants not plain navy trackies) is to be worn to and from the College on days when your daughter has her timetabled physical activity related double lesson.  

Parental support in ensuring that your daughter is not leaving home with these additional or non-regulation items would be greatly appreciated by College staff. 


Students Leaving School Due to Illness

The number of students reporting to the College sick bay during the day has increased and it seems timely to remind parents and students of the procedures to be followed in the event of students needing to leave the College during the day because they are unwell.


Students must let a teacher know if they are unwell and they will be given permission via a note in their Communication Log, to report the College Office.  From there, if parents need to be contacted to collect students from school, Administration staff will make contact with parents/carers and arrange for students to be supervised in the College sick bay until they arrive.


Students are not to use their mobile phone to contact parents to collect them from school and we would very much appreciate it if parents could insist that students follow the correct procedure. Circumventing communication with teachers and Administration staff by contacting parents directly can leave College staff unaware that a student is unwell and cause confusion when parents arrive to collect a student who is still in class.