Science News

In Science News this week

Year 7 have been busily working on their Assessment Task. They are testing the strength of various adhesives and writing up a scientific report on their findings. Each student has access to a weekly checklist to help them manage their time and tick off all the components of the task that they have completed. They also have a blank Scientific Report scaffold, so they can see what goes in each section and how long each part should be. 


Year 10 are also working on their Individual Student Research Project - we have had a variety of great questions posed, and some exciting practical research being completed. This is great preparation for students who are considering taking a Science course in Year 11 and 12, as completing studies on different aspects of Science is a mandatory part of the course.


This week is Australian Science Week! With the restrictions for COVID-19, this is unlike any other Science Week we have seen. In their classes, students may be given the opportunity to see some Scinema (Science cinema) films, engage in Kahoots and Quizlets, or Extension activities.



Lisa Davis

Acting Science Co-ordinator

Earthquake Detected!

This  week, the MCC seismometer detected the earthquake  M 6.9 - 128 km WSW of Bengkulu, Indonesia.

The school community can use the link below to check earthquakes


Denise De Paoli


Video Conference with NASA

On Friday, our preliminary Physics class joined 65 other schools from around Australia to hear Heather Paul give an hour-long video conference talk about her path to NASA and her current work. Heather is the Health, Medical and Technical Authority of the Orion Crew and Service Module as well as the Senior Manager of the Human Health Countermeasures Exercise and Performance Portfolio. Her talk included her journey from working at NASA as an astronaut substitute due to her size through her Masters in Engineering and into her current role where she works to mitigate the effects of spaceflight on the human body. Heather is currently focused on the Orion Crew and Service Module, which as a part of the Artemis program will be the craft that takes astronauts from Earth to the Moon.

Elijah Marshall