Principal News

God bless all those that I love

God bless all those that love me

God bless all those that love those that I love

God bless all those that love those that love me

-Seventeenth-century American Prayer



During this week, a staff member sent out an email to everyone on staff saying how grateful she was for the work that others around her are doing. It started a number of similar emails and lifted the mood of many, even just for a moment!


Making a public statement of thanks for what they do can really help someone, especially when it is not expected! “What are you grateful for that someone has done today?” and “Have you expressed that to someone you care about?”

Try it…


Dear Parents, Students and Friends


I mentioned in the last College Newsletter that announcements concerning Covid-19 continue to be made by Government authorities and meeting those requirements will be released to our community. Here is the latest release from Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga (CEDWW)


Dear Parent/Guardian


I write to update you on our school’s response to the recent restrictions announced as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conditions outlined to you below will be in effect for the remainder of Term 3.


In articulating these, we are especially aware of our Year 12 students as they undertake their trial HSC examinations. We are endeavouring to prioritise their health and wellbeing and that of all members of our community.


1.         Safety and Hygiene


The school has been advised of new health guidelines covering all schools in NSW.

  • Students do not attend school if unwell.
  • Students absent or sent home due to flu like symptoms need to be tested.
  • Staff and students must not return to school or work until they return a negative COVID-19 result and are symptom free.
  • Schools must sight the negative COVID-19 test result prior to allowing students to return to school.
  • Students should be very conscious of their teachers, fellow students and other staff in the school and be sensitive to their health and wellbeing during interactions. At all times, students are to follow the instructions given by staff.

2.         School  Activities


Students are required to stay within their relevant cohort, year group or stage for all learning activities. 

Only sporting competition between two schools in the same Local Government Area

(LGA) are permitted. Maximum of 100 staff/students at a venue at any one time . 


These activities cannot currently continue:

  • activities that result in the mixing of students from schools in different regions, such as sporting-related activities eg gala days, drama and debating.
  • school-related overnight events (e.g. retreats, camps, excursions) as there is increased risk of transmission of the virus in a residential type setting with shared facilities
  • school-related social activities (e.g. school formals, dinners or dances; graduation ceremonies; or parent engagement functions)
  • school-related group singing or chanting activities and use of wind instruments in groups.
  • Inter School activities that require travel outside their local community

3.         Environmental Cleaning

  • The school will continue the program of cleaning which was implemented earlier in 2020.

4.         Parents, Volunteers and Visitors

  • Only essential personnel are permitted onsite at any time, all visitors to the site must sign in at the School Reception and complete the External Visitors Site Form .
  • When signing this form, you will be asked questions related to your health and any disclosure of any COVID-related travel or contacts.
  • These protocols are for anyone coming onsite who is not a student or a staff member.
  • The school will monitor this access and will make changes to this protocol should the need arise.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the school as we endeavour to keep our students and staff safe. Please keep our students and our community in your prayers.


Peace and best wishes

