Middle Years News

Award Assemblies
At the end of Semester One, we asked teachers to nominate two students from each class to receive an Endeavour Award.
The teachers thought carefully about who in their class excelled in one or more of the following points:
- Commitment and effort to their school work
- Continuous and regular attendance throughout the semester
- Growth in their learning throughout the semester
- Growth in their engagement throughout the semester
- Willingness to help others with their work
- Positive participation in classes and during remote learning
- Displayed independence and self-motivation while completing set tasks
- Seeks feedback regularly
Your Teachers and the Middle Years Team would love to congratulate those students who received an award for their subject.
Year 7 Awards
Year 8 Awards
Year 9 Awards
Year 8 - Sue Lawson - author online visit
On Tuesday 18th of August the Year 8's were lucky enough to have Freedom Ride author, Sue Lawson, present to us and tell us about how she wrote her award winning novel. We learnt about all the planning she had to do for the characters and the town before she could start writing, and about all her research into the Freedom Ride as well as life in the sixty's. It was also interesting to hear that she put all the old slang and swear words into the book so that it would offend people who read it, because that was what the aboriginals were called, and that was how they felt. I enjoyed hearing about how Sue Lawson wrote Freedom ride, how she didn't plan on have Mrs Gregory as a character, and how she rewrote and reread it so many times before it was published.
From Katelyn (8F)
Project Rockit - Year 7 & 8's
The Year 7 and 8 cohorts will be attending a series of four interactive webinars during Term 3, created and facilitated by the Project Rockit team. The presenters will be sharing practical strategies, real experiences and creative exercises to grow digital literacy. This will help the students to gain skills to maintain digital wellbeing, look out for each other online, take positive social action, and use tech for social connection. Project Rockit’s flyer is attached for more detailed information.
Year 8 Photography Competition
Please see below the entrants and winners of the Year 8 Photography Competition. Congratulations to all who participated
Middle Years Competition
Are you getting enough exercise??
Starting on Friday the 14th of August, the Middle Years Captains will be running a competition encouraging students to take a break from screens and to get out and increase how much exercise they are getting!
They are encouraged to record their running, walking and bike riding activities. To do this they will have to download either Nike Run Club or Strava Apps. These apps are free and will record each time they either go for a run, a bike ride or a walk.
Nike Run Club is specifically a running app, whereas Strava can record all 3, so it is up to them, which app will suit them best!
This week, to encourage the students to begin, we are looking for them to record their most creative route. They are required to take a screen shot of their route and send to either their Level Leader or Ms. Butler. What sort of picture or shape will they make with their exercise route? (Example images above) Bonus points if they also share a picture of a creative face mask that they wore while exercising!
In a few weeks, we will be looking to see who has tallied up the most kilometres while they have been exercising starting from Friday the 14th August. This is to encourage the students to keep getting out there and maintaining good physical fitness and to take breaks from their screen.
Just remember, the Victorian regulations that are in place for Stage 4 Restrictions. They must wear a mask whilst exercising, stay within a 5 kilometre radius of your house, limit their exercise to one hour and can be with one other person or members of their household/parent.
Please encourage this competition and support the MY Student Leaders. Happy exercising!
Health and Wellbeing Captain: Sam Hirchauer
SRC Sustainability Captain: Sarah Golland
Kate Butler on behalf of the Middle Years Team
Middle Years Leader