From the Principal Class

Principal Day - Friday 7th August, 2020

On Friday 7th August, we recognised our Principal Class team for Principals' Day.

We wanted to express our gratitude and appreciation for their care of our whole school community, as they continue to guide us through this challenging time. 

We thanked them for their outstanding professionalism, genuine care and ongoing support, but particularly during these unprecedented times.  

Our wonderful College Captains Lily Brasch and Joel Prendergast (Yr 12) and Dior Croxford and Ryder Testolin (Middle Years) prepared and shared videos to acknowledge our Principal Class.



From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank Community,


The past few weeks of full lockdown have continued to bring lots of challenges, but we are very grateful for the support of parents, carers and staff in providing continuous learning.  Our focus as a school this term has been on more regular class contact and providing more social learning opportunities for students. 


During the next week, we will be seeking feedback from the whole College community on our work in the remote learning space.  Look out for a parent survey – we value your feedback.

Parent-student-teacher conferences

On first impressions, the Teams conferences appear to have been very successful.  Teachers have reported being completely booked for interviews.  We are thrilled that so many parents are making the connection with the College and looking for and giving feedback on their child’s learning.  The change in focus of the interviews, with students taking a more reflective approach, has also received positive feedback.  It is all part of our attempt to build student self-efficacy, but also reflects the reality of learning under lockdown.

If you were unable to secure an interview spot and would like some feedback on your student’s progress, please contact your child's Level Leader.

Course selection for 2021

The planning for 2021 continues, even with the cloud of COVID-19 hanging over us.  Our current year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students have undertaken course selection for subjects for the following year.  The Year 9 transition to Year 10 is the most complex, with some students able to accelerate and complete a VCE subject and the Vocational training options becoming available.  All students need to start to consider their interests, passions and future options.

To put course interviews online was a complex logistical task and I want to thank the team involved, led by Kate Butler, for their hard work in getting this organised so that students still had so much support in selecting their subjects for Year 10. 

Thanks to the Careers team also. Ruth Perkins and Wendy Peck are always available for support. They have done an enormous amount of work with Senior students and VTAC applications and VET applications.

Awards, competitions and online presentations

There has been a lot happening despite being remote.  

Both Senior and Middle Years Level Leaders have organised our student awards, with a focus on celebrating effort.  In the Middle and Senior Years reports, you will find videos of the awards presentations.


In addition, Years 7-9 have currently been challenged to EXERCISE!  

We have a competition challenging students to take part in some healthy pursuits and move away from their screens, including phones!


Year 8 students have had a photography competition (see the video of photos in the Middle School report) as well as a guest speaker- writer Sue Lawson, who led discussion about themes in their English studies.


Year 7 & 8 students have also been engaging with Project Rockit – a series of webinars building their digital literacy.


Thanks to our Senior Years Captains for organising ‘Mindfulness Mondays’. 

Mondays mantra was Everything I need is within me and for also posting exercises that we can all do at home.


On Fridays, we have had silly socks, silly hats, footy colours and wear an outfit inspired by a tv character!


We have also had – share your favourite movie, book or tv recommendation and cook a favourite meal and post a pic on Teams page


Thanks to the Level Leaders and College Captains who are organising lots of events and activities to keep us connected and have some fun.


Thank you also to our Librarians for running activities to try at home with activities such as the Book Bento challenge and Lost in Books Escape Room challenge. 


Take care, stay safe

Principal Team


Sharon Grimes, Principal

John Munro, Assistant Principal

Emma Ford, Assistant Principal

Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal

Darren Murray, Assistant Principal