Monday 28 March
VCE OES Grampians National Park Camp (28 to 31)
Tuesday 29 March
Year 9 Morrisby Interviews
Thursday 31 March
Year 9 Morrisby Interviews
Friday 1 April
Year 9 Morrisby Interviews
Wednesday 6 April
School Cross Country (Periods 5 & 6)
Friday 8 April
Year 9 Morrisby Interviews
End of Term 1 - 2.30 pm Finish
Tuesday 26 April
Start of Term 2
Friday 6 May
Yarra District Cross Country
Tuesday 9 May
NAPLAN (9 to 13)
Monday 13 June
Queens Birthday
Friday 24 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
Year 9 Community Time
The Compassionate Kitchen
During the first week of March, the Compassionate Kitchen students made delicious Filo Egg Cups (chicken, ham and mixed vegetable) for staff to purchase in order to raise money for those in need.
So far, the students have donated $200 and 25 meals to the Lilydale Basement Hub.
Eleni Stavrou
Year 9 Community Time
The Compassionate Kitchen
Communication and Teamwork lesson with Ms Stavrou, Tuesday 22 March.
Year 9 Community Time Fabrics for Fauna
Students have been doing a wonderful job sewing fabric bags for the reptiles in the Zoology Centre.
Marie Hovanjec
Year 9 Community Time Design Thinking
Our wonderful Year 9 students were working together in our STEAMWORKS 3D Printer room to create 3D printed stamps for their independent community projects last week. It took a little while to remember how to use the program TinkerCAD to design and create a stamp to imprint a design onto their puddlers.
The Year 9's will work with Mrs Young; our fabulous Ceramic teacher to create a 'puddler stone' for our gardens and share their knowledge in a workshop in the new term, with students in the local primary schools.
Julie Colyer
Year 10 Cooking for Company
Last week, students in Ms Stavrou's class made Chicken and Corn Soup and Pumpkin Soup!
French Friday
This term in Year 10 French, every Friday is French Friday, when we speak only French in class.
It is very challenging and we have needed to be resourceful about how we communicate at times. However, we are developing lots of vocabulary and c’est très amusant, especially when another teacher drops in to ask Madame Farrell a question and they look really confused! (N’est-ce pas Monsieur Toma??!! 😊)
Madame bought in “French fries” for us as a treat, even though they are technically from Belgium!
Every week it becomes easier to understand and say a little bit more. Parlez-vous français?
Year 10 French class
The Smashed Project
On Wednesday 16 March, Year 9 students took part in a live interactive theatre performance called ‘SMASHED”, tackling underage drinking with positive thinking.
Students were informed about the consequences of drinking alcohol and the strategies they can use to say NO when under peer pressure.
It was great to see how engaged and receptive the students were to the messages and skills provided to them by the presenters from ‘We are Gibber’.
Middle School Team