Parents and Carers are cordially invited to our OPEN NIGHT on:
- Thursday 28 April
- 6.30 pm
- School Hall
Our OPEN NIGHT is an opportunity to showcase our school and what we have to offer prospective students.
There will be presentations from the Principal, and Heads of Junior School and information presented about the school.
Tours of the school, presentations and displays of all the Key Learning Areas will also be held.
We look forward to prospective families joining us for this valuable evening.
Work Wear that helps support our School Community
Looking for some Trade Work Wear? States School Relief have put together a great work wear package, based on the common TAFE clothing requirements.
Lilydale High School (Pack 1) - State Schools' Relief (
State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families each year. Profit from the clothing sales goes back to supporting disadvantaged students and families.
The Year 9 Fabrics for Fauna class, is looking for DONATIONS of loose fabrics and/or sheets that will be used to create products for wildlife in captivity.
Fabrics needed; flannelette sheets, bamboo sheets, cotton satin sheets, polo fleece blankets and throws.
If you would like to donate, please leave the donations in the BOXES at the Middle School Office OR Main Administration Office.
*** REMINDER ***
All students are required to wear correct school uniform every day, including travelling to and from Lilydale High School.
The co-operation of parents and carers is expected in delivering a high standard of appearance for students.
School uniform policy is determined by School Council and reviewed on a regular basis.
Uniform requirements are available through LOWES Lilydale.
Please make sure that all books, clothing items and other items (eg calculators, pencil cases etc) are clearly labelled with the student full name and Home Group.
We ask students to take particular care with their books and belongings and to not bring any valuable items to school.
If your child looses an item of clothing please ask them to check lost property at the School Office and Sub School Offices (Junior, Middle and Senior School) at recess, lunchtime or afterschool.
It is DET (Department of Education and Training) policy that all student absences are accounted for.
When your son/daughter is absent from school there are several ways for you to assist us to fulfil our legal obligations and approve the absence:
- Logging in to Compass and entering the relevant parent approval
- Calling the School Absence Line (03) 9735 5644
- Providing a note to the Sub School Office or Home Group teacher
If it is expected that your son/daughter will be away for more than two days, please communicate this with the relevant Sub School Office.
All students are to make sure that devices are fully charged before they come to school. They are a very important learning tool that should be ready to use every day in class.
Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.