Darwinia House

In Darwinia House, we have had a very smooth start to the term with students showing their excitement to be back at school in their conversations with peers, teachers, education support staff and leadership. The delight in this extended period of face to face teaching is evident in the happy, smiling faces we see on our students each day.
We are very proud of our House Captains and Student Representative Council who are representing Darwinia House exceptionally well this year. A highlight for our SRC has been the Easter Raffle that the students envisioned and led, visiting classes all across the school to raise money for Backpacks 4 Vic Kids, a fantastic cause. The students raised over $90, a record for Darwinia House! Our House Captains have recently attended the Year 12 Leadership Camp and we can already see the impact of their experiences and learning on the way that they are leading students in Darwinia and being positive role models across the school.
We’d like to highlight our pride in Zahra Haidari (D11) and Ieli Paulo (D9). Zahra has recently flown to NSW to attend a leadership program with the Australian Business and Community Network and Ieli is currently attending the School for Student Leadership. These students already demonstrate great potential for leadership and we are excited to see them continue to develop in this area.
We had many families attend Parent Teacher Student Interviews. We are sincerely grateful to our community for their engagement in this night and we look forward to continuing this dialogue with our families to collectively support each of our students.
Our House Leadership team are currently overseeing NAPLAN in an online format for the first time. This has kept us very busy, practising and preparing to now finally implement the program with students. The tests have run smoothly due to the cooperation of students, facilitation from teachers and the support of our champion technical team. It has been very encouraging to see students across the school give their absolute best efforts to these tests each day.
We are looking forward to the upcoming Athletics Carnival. We believe that through our participation and sportsmanship, we will be able to continue to move up the ranks as we have over the last few years!
Go Darwinia!!!
Mrs Bell
Darwinia Assistant House Leader