From the Principal

I would like to welcome back all our students, parents and staff to Term 2, 2022. A special welcome to our newly enrolled students and their families.
This Term started with a whole school occasion, as we commemorated ANZAC Day in a formal assembly on our first day. It was wonderful to once again be able to recognise the sacrifice of all those who served and continue to serve Australia in war or peace keeping missions, both here and overseas, together in the Melaleuca Gym. Students observed a moment's silence and listened to powerful stories of courage and mateship. The following day, student leaders and David Ogden returned to another important school tradition when they laid the school wreaths from our assembly at the Pillars of Freedom in Dandenong.
Students have returned to school calmly and quickly settled down to focus on their learning. There is a sense of optimism among the community as we become accustomed to living in a pandemic and adjust to some of the challenges that brings. I would like to thank parents for their recent engagement in our parent/teacher conference afternoon. It was fantastic to see families returning to meetings on site as well as many taking the flexible option of a phone call to teachers. School Council will be evaluating feedback of the event as we want to make the occasion as accessible and positive an experience we can, for everyone.
A highlight of my term so far has been the arrival of Adam Slater an AP from Patterson River Secondary College. He is a participant in the Unlocking Potential, a Principal Preparation program, through the Victorian Academy of Leadership and he is currently working with me and the Executive team. Adam is enthusiastic and eager to learn as much about Dandenong High School in his 4-week placement as he can. I hope you will read his message to the community below. It has been a powerful learning experience for me too as I get to see the school through someone else’s eyes and listen to their perspective.
Happy Birthday to the Ex-Students association who celebrated their 30 Year anniversary at their AGM on Saturday 30th April 2022. It was a pleasure to join the celebration and watch the cutting of a special cake in their honour. This group of passionate former students of Dandenong High School, work tirelessly to maintain the school archives and support many of the awards and scholarships presented to students at the Robert Blackwood Hall at the end of each year.
Finally, I am very excited to announce the completion of the canteen pergola and outdoor eating area, as well as real progress on the building of the Design Centre. We will be opening the cafeteria section of the canteen this week and as you drive past you will see the roof being installed on the new building on Princes Highway.
I hope you and your family have a positive Term.
As always, I am proud to be the Principal of Dandenong High School.
Susan Ogden
I am currently undertaking a development course with Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership called Unlocking Potential, which is designed to build capacity of future principals within the Education Department. I am employed as Assistant Principal at Patterson River Secondary School where I have been for the last 5 years, a fantastic school of 1240 students in the bayside community of Seaford. An element of the Unlocking Potential program involves interns being billeted to high performing schools to learn and develop, working alongside their principals during a four-week placement. I am extremely lucky to have been placed with Susan Ogden at Dandenong High School where students, staff and leadership have generously welcomed me into their learning community.
So far, I have worked closely with Susan and other leaders and this week hope to spend time in classrooms across the school talking to teachers and students.
It has been an amazing experience so far and I have learnt many things I can take back to my school later in the Term.
Thank you for having me.
Adam Slater
Assistant Principal at Patterson River Secondary School