Careers News

The Careers Department Website
The Careers Team are excited to introduce a wonderful new resource which will support students to explore possible career pathways, develop employability skills and better understand post-secondary study options.
The Careers Department website has been developed with government organisations, industry bodies, education, training and employment agencies. It is an extremely engaging site full of content to support students with work skill development, employability and work readiness.
Students in Senior Years have access and will be introduced to The Careers Department website through Careers Education classes. Careers Education classes at Dandenong High School are developed by the Careers Team and delivered through the Learning Excellence Program – Careers Educators.
Students will begin by developing an individual profile which will provide feedback about personal preferences and dominant working style, then suggests industries and jobs that students might like to explore further based on this information. In Careers Education classes, students will be encouraged and guided to explore areas of interest to them, as well as industries and careers that they may not have previously considered or known about, which supports students to make informed decisions about their pathways. The site contains almost 1000 pieces of engaging and interactive content from 33 industries and is being updated fortnightly.
Other features of the site include a guided resume builder, interview preparation workshops, work skills training and virtual work experience. Virtual work experience, while not the same as the real thing, will give students insight into real workplaces, tasks and skills they may need to be successful. Students receive a certificate of completion for activities they complete, which they may wish to include with their resume.
Students have access to the site outside of school and are encouraged to further explore areas of interest in their own time. Visit The Careers Departmentby visiting!
Melinda Pepprell
Careers and Partnerships Leader