Sports News

Intermediate Boys Volleyball

The Intermediate Volleyball Team have shown their commitment and passion to the sport over the past few months. The team has trained hard on a weekly morning and lunchtime basis to develop skills to help support them in the competition. They were able to win in Zones and competitively played in Regionals to come second. They have worked cohesively and effectively as a team despite being in different year levels. I am very proud of the progress they have made throughout Term 1 and 2. Students were able to apply leadership skills and teamwork throughout training and games. I am looking forward to seeing these skills transfer to their education and future sport endeavours. Good Job Team!  

Captain: Phoenix S 
Vice-captain: Irraiyanbu B
Team: Ali Sina A, Riti B, Amir D, Harold F, Jawed H, Sajoan P
Coaches: Miss Lau, Shaina F (12F), Ben L (11H)

Senior Badminton

On Friday the 6th of May, we went to Springers Leisure Centre for the Interschool Badminton Competition. We competed against other schools in the region. We played against 5 schools and beat Lyndale College and Mt Hira College! We ranked 4th place. Congratulations team!

Team: Rose S, Jeremy S, Kiran DN, Akshith KI and Mithun R (all from 11F)
Coach: Ms Dong

Senior Boys Soccer

Congratulations to the Senior Boys Soccer team who won the Greater Dandenong Regions last Thursday! Highlight of the day was Nasrullah scoring 13 goals throughout the day. Wow! What an incredible feat!

Team: Nasrullah A, Linden A, Mubashar D, Ali Reza F, Muhamed H, Goran K, Redolf M, Ali N, Denis O, Aleksandar P, Amir Hussin R, Denis S, Daniel S, Olia S, Arion S, Mustafa S
Coaches: Mr Anderson & Mr Hill

Melbourne Victory School of Football