Learning & Teaching News

Homework vs Study

Recently staff have been discussing how we can improve students results. A common theme is that students need to understand the difference between homework and study. Students who have a regular study or revision routine are more likely to achieve success in their schooling and have better outcomes for their VCE. So what is the difference between homework and study? Homework is work formally set by teachers to be completed outside of the classroom. For example, completing set questions or Maths problems. Study are the independent tasks that students complete on top of the homework given by teachers. Study may consistent of reviewing content from each subject on a regular basis. Students might choose to make flashcards to test themselves on this content, there are some great websites such as Quizlet that provide sets of flashcards for many different topics. Other ways to study that are helpful for students is to complete practice questions, this is a highly recommended strategy for VCE students, but can be helpful at any year level. 

In a recent article form the American Psychological Society ‘Six research-tested ways to study better’ several strategies were suggest such as, concept mapping, students quizzing themselves or asking friends or family to quiz them and forming study groups. These are all great suggestions that could help to improve students learning outcomes. Dr Stephen Chew a Professor of Psychology has created a video about how to study, including 10 study principles for successful learning. 

By encouraging our students to develop an effective home study routine, not only will this improve learning outcomes but it may also improve students mindset to feel more positive and empowered as learners. 

In May students in Year 7 and 9 will be completing NAPLAN testing in the week commencing May 10th.  Parents and students have been provided with information about the testing. Students will be required to bring their laptop, headphones and a pencil. Any further enquiries should be directed to Ms Pamela Fox, Middle Years Curriculum Leader.

This term students in Years 10-12 will have an exam period. Year 10 and 11 exams commence on the 27th of May and Year 12 practice exams begin on the 1st of June. Students should be in the process of preparing for these exams as part of their regular study routine. Time to hit the books!


Alice Carlisle                                                  

Senior Year Curriculum Leader           

Cranbourne Campus

VET Hospitality Function

On Wednesday, 27 April, we were very excited when our VET Hospitality (Year 2) students hosted their very first function at the school for over 20 family, former students, and staff members.  The students have been honing their skills over the last twelve month to reach a level where they could prepare and present a magnificent 3 course meal.  Mocktails preceded the dinner and students excelled not just in the kitchen through delicious and well-presented meals, but also in their front of house skills as they waited on tables.

Ms Jeannette Valencia has done an amazing job in preparing these students and she was wonderfully supported on the day by some generous staff including Ms Carol Whimpey, Ms Julie Watson, and Ms Dorothy Stavrou. 


The students who did such a great job were Larissa Felix, Chelsea Jansen, Taesha La Mesa, Mia Legeant and Jack Murray.  Ms Valencia’s stated that her proudest moment was when the seven exhausted students sat on crates in the kitchen after feeding their customers to enjoy a meal - just like the professionals.  When these students finish their course, all these students will be confident of gaining employment in the current hospitality industry that is crying our for skilled workers.

In addition to the talented work of our VET Hospitality students, the diners were entertained by the VET Music Performance students under the guidance of Mr Andrew Church.  The first set was performed by Lovy Kaur (Cranbourne) and Katriece Michael (Clyde North) and the second group was Rachel Jayawardene (Clyde North) and Sumehra Mamun (external student).  Both pairs played keyboards and sung to perform a number of contemporary popular songs that were greatly appreciated by all.  In fact, the standard of music was so high, that it could not be distinguished from the professionally produced music that was being played between sets. In fact one Deputy Principal, who will remain unnamed, was caught applauding the recorded music between sets as he simply could not distinguish it from the live music.  Well done to our music students.

Lovy Kaur and Katriece Michael

Rachel Jayawardene & Sumehra Mamun. 


David Hansen

Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching

Cranbourne and Clyde North