Junior School

Interim Reports and Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Thank you to parents who were able to meet via Teams with their son’s various teachers on Tuesday. The aim was that in conjunction with the Interim Reports to provide you with a good indication about your son’s progress this term. Thank you also to the teachers for their efforts in conducting many interviews on Tuesday.
Easter Raffle
Thank you to the Year 4 families who provided Easter eggs for the raffle. Thankyou also to the prefects for selling the raffle tickets and the JS staff who wrapped the prizes.
Winter Uniform
From the start of Term 2, winter uniforms are to be worn by all boys. Please check the College News section of this week’s newsletter to see when the College Uniform shop is open during the holidays.
After a challenging term where community health directions have been at an unprecedented level, I wish all families a restful, safe and happy Easter and holiday.
Steampunk Robot Art Competition
This year, the Junior boys were challenged to create a Steampunk Robot using recycled, reused and repurposed materials. The results were fantastic with some very interesting materials used and characters created! Congratulations to all the boys who entered the competition and special applause to Matteo Redolatti, Mason Helean and Michael Borman who were awarded first, second and third prizes by our special judges Mr Martin Tucker, Ms Jena McDowell and Mr Dayne Whalan.
Thanks also to Ms Joanna Sulkowski for all her assistance with the promotion and display of this year’s competition.
Mrs Helen Shanahan
Junior School Visual Arts Teacher
Prefects Corner
By Max and Nate
On Wednesday, we drew the Easter raffle and multiple boys won a prize! We didn’t do the raffle in a normal assembly so the Prefects had to run around to give the chocolates to the winners. The prizes were amazing and big. We raised $627 for Caritas.!
This Friday is our first TOBA and Golden Honour assembly this year. All the new boys will be experiencing there first Golden Honour assembly.
This Friday, we have arranged an impressive assembly for Mr Tucker as he leaves the Junior school. He has been a great principal at the Junior School. We’re giving him a surprise assembly, with his own TOBA award. He will also be given an artwork that was made by some fingerprints. He is also getting piped out of the school and all the old Junior School Head Boys will get to say goodbye. We’re also singing him a song about him leaving, and the best for last, he gets to go around the school in a golf cart with Mr Hayes.