General News

Camps & Pathways Week
Beach Patrol
Year 10 and 11 Nossalonians were welcomed by the tranquil ambience of Chelsea beach on the second last day of camps and pathways week. The coastline was slamming on the golden sand with omnipresent seashells of different shapes, colors, and sizes, and the azure blue waves glistened. Our goal for the day was to gather as much rubbish as possible to help clean up our beaches and make them safer for the community and Sealife.
We were able to collect around 40kg of rubbish through out our arduous hours of walking on the soft sand. The two groups (group A and group B) gathered for our break to enjoy a delicious meal (along with emptying our sand-filled shoes), while admiring the pleasing view of floating boats and energetic dogs. Soon after, we were dismissed for the anticipated journey back home.
Saumi M
Year 10
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Applications for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) close on Friday 24 June 2022.
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.
Payment amount this year is $225 eligible for secondary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
If your circumstances have changed since the beginning of this year and you are now eligible to apply but have NOT YET applied for CSEF, please complete an application form and submit to the office prior to 1st of June, 2022.
Note: Application forms can be obtained from the school office.
You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.
Check with the school office if you are unsure.
Supervisors for VCAA Exams
Would you like to help with supervising the externally assessed VCAA exams in 2022? VCAA exam supervisors are paid to complete this task and this is a rewarding way to be involved in the program at Nossal High School.
Supervisors for VCAA exams cannot be any of the following:
- Related to or associated with any student undertaking the GAT or any student undertaking a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022 at Nossal High School Teaching any student a VCE Unit 3 and 4 study in 2018
- Teaching any student required to sit the GAT or teaching any student in a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022
- Tutoring a student required to sit the GAT or tutoring a student in a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022 at Nossal High School
- Related to or associated with any person engaged in teaching, tutoring or coaching any students required to sit the GAT, or any students undertaking a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022, or any school personnel engaged in organising or checking VCE external assessment materials at Nossal High School
- Employed at Nossal High School as a teacher (excluding CRT) or member of the administration staff
Related to or associated with students includes: children, via relatives/relationships by marriage or de facto or by other living arrangements, friends, neighbours, business or community associates, tutoring or teaching relationships.
Supervisors must also hold a full Employee Working with Children card (not a Volunteer Working With Children card). Supervisors must also be fully vaccinated for COVID in line with current government requirements for school staff.
In 2022 the GAT will be held on Wednesday 7th September and the end of year exams will run from Wednesday 26 October to Wednesday 16th November. Availability will be confirmed closer to the dates.
If you would like to more information or are unsure about your eligibility please contact Katherine Warriner at
To register your interest please email Christine Weller at Please include a contact number and address. Training and information sessions will be held later in the year.
Please pass this on to friends or family who may be interested in taking up this opportunity.
An interest in Physics?
Nossal High School has an active physics program which incorporates a significant amount of design methodology. There is an opportunity for a community member to do some volunteering with us to support the work of our physics teachers. The work would suit someone with an interest in physics or engineering, and would involve spending one day a week working with physics teachers to develop and prepare materials for various experiments and activities to be carried out as part of the teaching program.
If you are interested in volunteering with us in this capacity, please contact Stuart Fankhauser (
Keep up to date with Nossal
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While we post notifications on Compass, send home emails and/or text messages when important events and information need to be shared with our families and community, and keep you informed about what has happened with our fortnightly newsletter, Nossal also has a number of social media pages which we use for reminders and also to share exciting news.
If you don't already follow us though one of these, please consider joining or liking our
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Did you know?
Did you know our newsletter can now be translated into a number of different languages? This is a relatively new feature of the software program we use and can be turned on or off using the language selector in the lower left corner of each page.