IRC News

Literature Circle Book Club
The Literature Circle Book Club is one of the many clubs offered at Nossal where like-minded students and staff can come together and share their interests. Being a part of the Nossal Literature Club has given me different insights to various novels from all kinds of genres and allowed me to share my own thoughts as well. Last year, I was also in the club but due to lockdown, the club did not get proper opportunities to discuss in person and rather online. However, the discussions were still engaging and cheered the circumstances. Now that we are back onsite, many novels are shared, especially the ones read during the lockdown. I am eager to learn more about the Nossal community through its diverse range of books reviewed to understand my peers better.
There are millions of books in the world, and it is wonderful how people can gather to talk about their perspectives, which can stir up interesting discussions. The famous quote by Dr Seuss is true: “the more that you read, the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Reading leads us to feel a mixture of emotions through the character and it can help in real life since it expands our knowledge and perspective on certain things, making us open-minded. A novel is not limited to one interpretation; you may interpret a character as evil while someone else may be able to sympathize with them. These unique viewpoints help me to consider what is beneath the surface, which helps in essay writing when analyzing certain characteristics. I encourage both staff and students to join and engage in the club because not only it will benefit yourself, but your peers as well. I look forward to future gatherings and to hear about the stimulating discussions.
Rhianna Lay
Library Leader