PFA News

At the AGM held on 2 March, the following committee members were elected for 2022:
President – Stephen Mulroy
Vice President – Shankar Ramadas
Secretary – Jill Mouette
Treasurer - Jodie Cole
Other Roles
Uniform Shop – Jodie Cole
Entertainment Book Fundraising – TBC
Communications Officer – Shankar Ramadas
The Parents and Friend Association (PFA) work together to support the school by providing and serving refreshments at school events and raising funds for the school from hosting and running things like the uniform shop, Bunnings BBQs, Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day stalls, etc. The funds are used for number of causes that help the school, teachers, students, and the community. Some of the Fundraising goals for 2022 include:
- Extending the bike shed, PFA is currently waiting for information on the size and details of the bike shed.
- PFA have requested a list of resources from the teachers that they would like to support student learning.
- Additional shade sails and seating for outdoor learning areas.
- Sir Gustav Nossal Statue – the School Council is working with retired Assistant Principal, Keith Butler, as project coordinator for this significant project. The PFA will be a visible donor towards the crowdfunding.
This term we supported the school by providing refreshments at the New Parent Information session on the first day of term, running a Valentine Day stall for students, opening the Second-hand Uniform Shop at the beginning of the year and the first Monday of each month and at the New Family Meet and Greet evening. Huge thanks to all our PFA volunteers for their support.
Upcoming Events:
Mother's Day Stall
Look out for the Mother’s Day Stall running in early May.
Uniform Shop
Students and parents are again reminded that the Second-hand Uniform shop is open on the first Monday of each month, during school terms. The shop is located at the rear of northern (Jean Russell Centre) carpark, inside the front door of the Fitness Centre. The shop opens between 8:30am and 9:30am with all proceeds going to projects and equipment for the school.The shop will next open on Monday 4 April.Donations of uniform are very welcome and can be left at Reception.
Next PFA Meeting
The next meeting of the Nossal PFA will be held on Wednesday 6 April, commencing at 7pm. If you would like to Join the PFA and be part of this vibrant school community group -
Please reach out to Shankar Ramadas at or on 0423 125 892 or complete this form and we will contact you directly -
Shankar Ramadas
Nossal PFA Communications Officer
Learn how the PFA operates
Find out about upcoming events
See how you can become involved in activities
Goals of the PFA include:
Promote friendship and support within the Nossal Community through social activities
Provide a forum for communication amongst the Nossal community
Help raise funds to support school programs
Liaise with the school council and Leadership Team
Support the teaching staff
Visit for more information
Supervisors for VCAA Exams
Would you like to help with supervising the externally assessed VCAA exams in 2022? VCAA exam supervisors are paid to complete this task and this is a rewarding way to be involved in the program at Nossal High School.
Supervisors for VCAA exams cannot be any of the following:
- Related to or associated with any student undertaking the GAT or any student undertaking a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022 at Nossal High School Teaching any student a VCE Unit 3 and 4 study in 2018
- Teaching any student required to sit the GAT or teaching any student in a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022
- Tutoring a student required to sit the GAT or tutoring a student in a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022 at Nossal High School
- Related to or associated with any person engaged in teaching, tutoring or coaching any students required to sit the GAT, or any students undertaking a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2022, or any school personnel engaged in organising or checking VCE external assessment materials at Nossal High School
- Employed at Nossal High School as a teacher (excluding CRT) or member of the administration staff
Related to or associated with students includes: children, via relatives/relationships by marriage or de facto or by other living arrangements, friends, neighbours, business or community associates, tutoring or teaching relationships.
Supervisors must also hold a full Employee Working with Children card (not a Volunteer Working With Children card). Supervisors must also be fully vaccinated for COVID in line with current government requirements for school staff.
In 2022 the GAT will be held on Wednesday 7th September and the end of year exams will run from Wednesday 26th October to Wednesday 16th November. Availability will be confirmed closer to the dates.
If you would like to more information or are unsure about your eligibility please contact Katherine Warriner at
To register your interest please email Christine Weller at Please include a contact number and address. Training and information sessions will be held later in the year.
Please pass this on to friends or family who may be interested in taking up this opportunity.